##One Micro PHP MVC Framework.
Only 1 file (easy readable, less 10kb). Not MVC required. Ready to go.
Perfect fit in small projects and web services, only use what you need as you want.
####1- Route system (And generator for views)
####2- Translations by URL automatic (Available in controller and views)
####3- Response (load views)
####4- Inspired in Symfony and ExpressJS
1- Include the one_framework.php in your project and the .htaccess file in the root folder.
2- Initialize the class, add some routes-action with get. (See the example bellow).
3- Run listen.
//index.php file
//load Framework
$app = new OneFramework();
$app->get('/',function() use ($app){//Action
echo 'Hello world';
####MVC style could look like this:
// /controllers/main.php
//Dynamic route with 1 variable in the URL
$app->get('/book/{id_book}/edit',function($id_book) use ($app){
$book = getBook($id_book);
return $app->Response('view_path.php',array('book' => $book));
####View and translation
// /views/home.php
// $app is pass as global variable to every View file
<p><?php echo $app->trans('home_tittle'); ?></p>
The framework $app is globally accesible from any view loaded by Response().
// /translations/home.en.txt
home_tittle: My website Title
home_menu: Menu
Every file inside /translations/ folder will be loaded automatically.
######If you want to see the /index.php/ in all URLS change the defined constant: APP_NAME in the Framework class and delete the .htaccess from the project.
*Fell free to change everything you need and make a commit if you improve something.