Adventures are nice so let's build an adventuring engine.
Message passing object orientation is a good fit for world simulation.
It is a work in progress and will ultimately allow you to both design and generate worlds to adventure in.
Currently it has a few objects and messages defined with no GUI.
It will soon have support for automated world generation and a rudimentary fighting system.
Usage: $ pil er.l + : (pool "test.db")
-> T
: (new! '(+Room) 'id 1)
-> {2}
: (spawnMonster> @)
-> T
: (show '{2})
{2} (+Room)
lvs ({6})
id 1
-> {2}
: (show '{6})
{6} (+Monster)
loc {2}
pwr 30
def 3
att 3
hp 30
lng "This monster has a leg protruding from its shoulder."
sht "typical monster"
id 1
-> {6}