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dotfiles, scripts and bootstraping

Quick guide for setting up a new mac

Before anything else, install homebrew. It will be used as package manager in next steps.

% /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install git. We will use it for clonning the dotfiles repo:

% brew install git

Install 1password. It's my personal store for ssh keys:

% brew install --cask 1password

Configure git/SSH for accessing github:

% git config --global "cestevezdev"

% git config --global "[email protected]"

Save your private key in .ssh folder (e.g. ~/.ssh/cestevezdev). You should already have the public key registered in Github. If not, do it. Private/public keys can be generated following steps in Annex A. Do not forget set the appropriate premissions for the public key:

% chmod 400 ~/.ssh/cestevezdev

And edit .gitconfig file for specifying the private key that will be used for authentication. After editing for adding the ssh command used for auth, the .gitconfig file should be like:

	name = Carlos
	email = [email protected]
	sshCommand = ssh -i ~/.ssh/cestevezdev -F /dev/null

Now you can clone dotfiles. Do it wherever you want. I use to clone my repos ~/projects, and then, a subfolder per github identity.

% git clone [email protected]:cestevezdev/dotfiles.git

Now you can setup mac basic apps and settings:

% cd ~/Projects/cestevezdev/dotfiles/os/mac

% ./

Deploy all software:

% cd ~/Projects/cestevezdev/dotfiles/os/mac/brew

% brew bundle install

Install VS Code extensions:

% cd ~/Projects/cestevezdev/dotfiles/editors/vscode

% brew bundle install

Config vim:

% cp ~/Projects/cestevezdev/dotfiles/editors/vim/.vimrc ~

Config poetry:

Add this to .zshrc:

export POETRY_CONFIG_DIR="$HOME/.config/pypoetry"

% poetry config true

Quick guide for setting up a new linux


Quick guide for setting up a new windows


Annex A: SSH key management

Simple explanation about ssh keys: SSH keys, Rob Edwards.

Generate a key pair (public+private) of your client machine

These keys could be used later for authenticating with any service based on ssh protocol (e.g. clonning repos from github via ssh)

% ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f <client_host>.pem % ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM -C "<your_email>" -f ~/.ssh/<identity_name>

This command generates a pair or files:

Remember to keep your private key always safe!

Exchange only the public key (see sharing pub key below)

Store key in ssh agent:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" && \ ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/<identity_name>

Sharing the pub with the server you want to access:

ssh-copy-id -i <client_host> <server_username>@<server_host>

Sharing the pub key with github:

Sharing the pub key with gitlab:


dotfiles, scripts and bootstraping







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