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Svensson Curve
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gavbrennan committed Sep 22, 2022
1 parent 42f5d70 commit 1cc6c34
Showing 1 changed file with 174 additions and 0 deletions.
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions src/Qwack.Core/Curves/SvenssonCurve.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Qwack.Core.Basic;
using Qwack.Core.Instruments.Funding;
using Qwack.Dates;
using Qwack.Transport.BasicTypes;
using static System.Math;

namespace Qwack.Core.Curves
public class SvenssonCurve : IIrCurve
private readonly DateTime _buildDate;
private readonly DayCountBasis _basis = DayCountBasis.Act_365F;
private readonly string _name;

public SvenssonCurve(double beta0, double beta1, double beta2, double beta3, double tau1, double tau2, DateTime buildDate, string name, Currency ccy, string collateralSpec = null)
Beta0 = beta0;
Beta1 = beta1;
Beta2 = beta2;
Beta3 = beta3;
Tau1 = tau1;
Tau2 = tau2;
_buildDate = buildDate;

_name = name;
Currency = ccy;
CollateralSpec = collateralSpec ?? (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_name) ? null :
(_name.Contains("[")) ? _name.Split('[').Last().Trim("[]".ToCharArray()) : _name.Split('.').Last());

public DateTime BuildDate => _buildDate;
public string Name => _name;
public int NumberOfPillars => 0;
public DateTime[] PillarDates => new DateTime[0];

public DayCountBasis Basis => _basis;

public RateType RateStorageType => RateType.Exponential;

public Currency Currency;

public double Beta0 { get; }
public double Beta1 { get; }
public double Beta2 { get; }
public double Beta3 { get; }
public double Tau1 { get; }
public double Tau2 { get; }
public string CollateralSpec { get; private set; }
public FloatRateIndex RateIndex { get; private set; }

public void SetCollateralSpec(string collateralSpec) => CollateralSpec = collateralSpec;

public void SetRateIndex(FloatRateIndex rateIndex) => RateIndex = rateIndex;

public double GetDf(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
if (startDate == endDate)
return 1.0;

var ts = _buildDate.CalculateYearFraction(startDate, _basis);
var te = _buildDate.CalculateYearFraction(endDate, _basis);
return GetDf(ts, te);

public double GetDf(double tStart, double tEnd)
var rateS = GetRate(tStart);
var rateE = GetRate(tEnd);
var dfS = DFFromRate(tStart, rateS, RateStorageType);
var dfE = DFFromRate(tEnd, rateE, RateStorageType);
return dfE / dfS;

public double GetRate(DateTime valueDate)
var T = _buildDate.CalculateYearFraction(valueDate, _basis);
return GetRate(T);

public static double DFFromRate(double t, double r, RateType rateType) => rateType switch
RateType.Exponential => Exp(-r * t),
RateType.Linear => 1.0 / (1.0 + r * t),
RateType.SemiAnnualCompounded => Pow(1.0 + r / 2.0, -2.0 * t),
RateType.QuarterlyCompounded => Pow(1.0 + r / 4.0, -4.0 * t),
RateType.MonthlyCompounded => Pow(1.0 + r / 12.0, -12.0 * t),
RateType.YearlyCompounded => Pow(1.0 + r, t),
RateType.DiscountFactor => r,
_ => throw new NotImplementedException(),

public static double RateFromDF(double t, double df, RateType rateType) => rateType switch
RateType.Exponential => Log(df) / -t,
RateType.Linear => (1.0 / df - 1.0) / t,
RateType.SemiAnnualCompounded => (Pow(df, -1.0 / (2.0 * t)) - 1.0) * 2.0,
RateType.QuarterlyCompounded => (Pow(df, -1.0 / (4.0 * t)) - 1.0) * 4.0,
RateType.MonthlyCompounded => (Pow(df, -12.0 * t) - 1.0) * 12.0,
RateType.YearlyCompounded => (Pow(df, -1.0 * t) - 1.0),
RateType.DiscountFactor => df,
_ => throw new NotImplementedException(),

public double GetRate(double T) => Beta0 + Beta1 * (1 - Exp(-T / Tau1)) / (T / Tau1) + Beta2 * ((1 - Exp(-T / Tau1)) / (T / Tau1) - Exp(-T / Tau1)) + Beta3 * ((1 - Exp(-T / Tau2)) / (T / Tau2) - Exp(-T / Tau2));

public double GetRate(int pillarIx) => GetRate(0);

public double GetForwardRate(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, RateType rateType, double tbasis)
var df = GetDf(startDate, endDate);
return RateFromDF(tbasis, df, rateType);
public double GetForwardRate(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, RateType rateType, DayCountBasis basis)
var tbas = startDate.CalculateYearFraction(endDate, basis);
return GetForwardRate(startDate, endDate, rateType, tbas);

public double GetForwardCCRate(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
var te = _buildDate.CalculateYearFraction(endDate, _basis);
var ts = _buildDate.CalculateYearFraction(startDate, _basis);
var q = GetDf(startDate, endDate);
return -Log(q) / (te - ts);

public double[] GetRates() => new double[0];

public double Pv(double fv, DateTime payDate)
var T = _buildDate.CalculateYearFraction(payDate, _basis);
var rate = GetRate(T);
var df = Exp(-rate * T);
return fv * df;

public IrCurve BumpRate(int pillarIx, double delta, bool mutate)
throw new NotImplementedException();

public IIrCurve SetRate(int pillarIx, double rate, bool mutate)
throw new NotImplementedException();

public double[] GetSensitivity(DateTime valueDate)
throw new NotImplementedException();

public IrCurve RebaseDate(DateTime newAnchorDate)
throw new NotImplementedException();

public IrCurve BumpRateFlat(double delta, bool mutate)
throw new NotImplementedException();

public Dictionary<DateTime, IrCurve> BumpScenarios(double delta, DateTime lastSensitivityDate)
throw new NotImplementedException();

public SvenssonCurve Clone() => new SvenssonCurve(Beta0, Beta1, Beta2, Beta3, Tau1, Tau2, BuildDate, Name, Currency, CollateralSpec);

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