This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Contains common utility and logging methods.
A simple proc that uses pl
looks like the following;
-- PL in action !
PROCEDURE PRC_PROC_NAME(<i_input_var vartype>, <o_output_var vartype> ) IS
gv_proc := 'PRC_PROC_NAME'; -- name of the procedure
-- gv_pkg -- constant name of the package set globally once
-- initialize logger here
pl.logger := util.logtype.init(gv_pkg ||'.'||gv_proc);
-- proc body here --
-- gv_sql : global variable
gv_sql := '
-- sql statement to execute
execute immediate gv_sql;
-- success message
-- !!! commit should be after success message
-- error message
pl.logger.error(SQLCODE || ' : ' ||SQLERRM);
You can see the recent logs in logs
select * from util.logs order by 3 desc;
You can put the objects under any schema you like, but you can create a utility schema ,if you do not have already, and put all the objects under that schema.
Create a schema named util with:
create user util identified by <password>;
Grant privileges
GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO UTIL; GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_constraints TO util; GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_indexes TO util; GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_objects TO util; GRANT SELECT ON sys.v_$lock TO util; GRANT SELECT ON sys.v_$session TO util; GRANT SELECT ON sys.v_$locked_object to util; GRANT execute on sys.UTL_MAIL to util;
Change the current schema to util
alter session set current_schema = util;
Run the contents of init.ddl.sql
Run the contents of logtype.pks.sql and logtype.pkb.sql in order.
Run the contents of pl.pks.sql and pl.pkb.sql in order.
Optionally create a public synonym for pl with;
create public synonym pl for; grant execute on util.logtype to public; grant execute on to public;
- exec
-- execute given statement, raise exception if i_silent is set to false
-- Args:
-- [i_sql varchar2]: statement to execute
-- [i_silent boolean = False]: raise exception if i_silent is set to false, defaults to `False`
procedure exec(i_sql varchar2, i_silent boolean default false);
- exec_silent
-- execute given statement and ignore error
-- Args:
-- [i_sql varchar2]: statement to execute
procedure exec_silent(i_sql varchar2);
-- parse given string to date -- -- Args: -- [i_str number]: date in string function parse_date (i_str varchar2) return date
-- Sleep given number of milliseconds. !DOES NOT uses dbms_lock -- -- Args: -- [i_millis number]: milliseconds -- Returns: -- date: Returns date value of the given string procedure sleep(i_millis in number)
-- Checks if string is classified as a Number or not. -- -- Args: -- [i_str varchar2 = '']: The string to check. -- Returns -- boolean: Returns true if string is numeric. function is_number(i_str varchar2) return boolean
-- Splits string by separator. -- -- Args: -- [i_str varchar2 = '']: The string to split. -- [i_split varchar2 = ',']: The separator pattern to split by. -- [i_limit number = null]: The length to truncate results to. -- Returns: -- varchar2_table: Returns the string segments. function split( i_str varchar2, i_split varchar2 default ',', i_limit number default null ) return dbms_sql.varchar2_table
-- Returns a date as string containing to_date function. -- Useful when used with 'execute immediate' -- -- Args: -- [i_date date]: The date object to convert to string to_char representation. -- Returns: -- varchar2: the date function string -- example return value: `'to_date(''20120101 22:12:00'',''yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss'')'` function date_string(i_date date) return varchar2
-- Truncates the given table -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table procedure truncate_table(i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2)
-- Truncates the given table -- -- Args: -- [i_table varchar2]: Schema and Name of the table eg. `owner.table_name` procedure truncate_table(i_table varchar2)
-- Drops the given table -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- [pib_ignore_err boolean = true]: when set to false raises error procedure drop_table(i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2, pib_ignore_err boolean default true);
-- Drops the given table -- -- Args: -- [i_table varchar2]: Schema and Name of the table eg: `owner.table_name` procedure drop_table(i_table varchar2);
-- Checks whether the given table exists or not -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2] -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- Returns: -- boolean: True if table exists function table_exists(i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2) return boolean;
-- Gather table/partition statistics -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- [i_part_name varchar2 = null]: Name of the partition defaults to `null` procedure gather_table_stats( i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2, i_part_name varchar2 default null)
-- Enable/Disable constraints for the given table. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- [i_order varchar2 = 'enable']: DISABLE|ENABLE procedure manage_constraints( i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2, i_order varchar2 default 'enable')
-- Enable constraints for the given table.s -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table procedure enable_constraints(i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2)
-- Disable constraints for the given table. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table procedure disable_constraints(i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2)
-- Unusable/Rebuild indexes for the given table. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- [i_order varchar2 = 'enable']: DISABLE|ENABLE -- DISABLE makes the indexes unusable -- ENABLE rebuilds the indexes procedure manage_indexes( i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2, i_order varchar2 default 'enable')
-- Rebuild indexes for the given table. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table procedure enable_indexes(i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2)
-- Make indexes unusable for the given table. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table procedure disable_indexes(i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2)
-- Adds partitions to the given table up to the date given by the `i_date` parameter. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2: Name of the table -- [i_date date]: the date up to partitions will be added procedure add_partitions(i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2, i_date date)
-- Adds a single partition to the given table with the date given by the 'i_date' parameter. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- [i_date date]: the date partition will be created for procedure add_partition (i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2,i_date date)
-- Truncates the given partition. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- [i_partition varchar2]: name of the partition procedure truncate_partition(i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2, i_partition varchar2)
-- Drops the given partition. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- [i_partition varchar2]: name of the partition procedure drop_partition(i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2, i_partition varchar2)
-- Drops partitions less than the given date. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- [i_date varchar2]: date boundary procedure drop_partition_lt (i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2, i_date date);
-- Drops partitions less than or equal to the given date. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- [i_date varchar2]: date boundary procedure drop_partition_lte(i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2, i_date date)
-- Drops partitions greater than the given date. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2): Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2): Name of the table -- [i_date varchar2): date boundary procedure drop_partition_gt (i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2, i_date date)
-- Drops partitions greater than or equal to the given date. -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- [i_date varchar2]: date boundary procedure drop_partition_gte (i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2, i_date date)
-- Manages partitions for the given table by fitting the partitions to the given date with i_date parameter -- and given number by i_number_size parameter. Basically it adds partitions until i_date and drops partitions -- older than i_window_size * (year|month|day) -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- [i_date varchar2]: date boundary -- [i_window_size number]: number of partitions to keep procedure window_partitions( i_owner varchar2, i_table varchar2, i_date date, i_window_size number)
-- Exchanges partition of table_1 with the table_2 -- -- Args: -- [i_owner varchar2]: Schema of the table -- [i_table varchar2]: Name of the table -- [i_part_name varchar2]: partitions to be exchanged -- [i_table_2 varchar2]: table to replace partition -- [pib_validate boolean =false]: validate partition after exchange procedure exchange_partition( i_owner varchar2, i_table_1 varchar2, i_part_name varchar2, i_table_2 varchar2, pib_validate boolean default false );
-- Enable parallel dml for the current session. procedure enable_parallel_dml
-- Disable parallel dml for the current session. procedure disable_parallel_dml
-- Execute given statement asynchronously. -- -- Args: -- [i_sql varchar2]: Statement to execute -- [i_name varchar2 = 'ASYNC_EXEC']: Name of the dbms job entry procedure async_exec(i_sql varchar2, i_name varchar2 default 'ASYNC_EXEC')
-- Set parameter on `params` table -- -- Args: -- [i_name varchar2]: parameter name -- [i_value varchar2]: parameter value procedure set_param(i_name varchar2, i_value)
-- Find given parameter -- -- Args: -- [i_name varchar2]: parameter name -- Returns -- varchar2: Returns parameter value procedure find_param(i_name varchar2)
-- Check whether given parameter exists. -- Args: -- [i_name] (varchar2): parameter name -- boolean: true if param exists false otherwise function param_exists(i_name varchar2) return boolean;
-- Send mail to given recipients. Set mail server settings on `params` before -- using this method! -- Args: -- ** Mail options procedure send_mail( i_to varchar2, i_subject varchar2, i_body varchar2, i_cc varchar2 default null i_from varchar2 default null )
-- Test given string is a valid email address -- -- Args: -- [i_email varchar2]: given email address -- Returns: -- boolean: true if input is a valid email address function is_email(i_email varchar2)
-- Retrieve metadata of the object(s). If only name is given returns all matching objects'' metadata -- -- Args: -- [i_name varchar2]: name of the object -- [i_schema varchar2]: owner of the object -- [i_dblk varchar2]: db-link for remote objects -- [i_type varchar2 ='TABLE']: object type -- Returns -- boolean: true if param exists false otherwise function ddl( i_name varchar2, i_schema varchar2 default null, i_dblk varchar2 default null, i_type varchar2 default 'TABLE' ) return clob;
-- Print locked objects. procedure print_locks
-- Print to dbms out. Shortcut for dbms_output.put_line -- -- Args: -- [i_message varchar2]: Message to print procedure println(i_message varchar2);
-- Print to dbms out. Shortcut for dbms_output.put_line -- -- Args: -- [i_message varchar2]: Message to print procedure printl(i_message varchar2);
-- Print to dbms out. Shortcut for dbms_output.put_line -- -- Args: -- [i_message varchar2]: Message to print procedure p(i_message varchar2);
-- Print to dbms out. Shortcut for dbms_output.put_line -- -- Args: -- [i_message] (varchar2): Message to print procedure print(i_message varchar2);