EF Core-like CouchDB experience for .NET!
C# query example:
// Setup
public class MyDeathStarContext : CouchContext
public CouchDatabase<Rebel> Rebels { get; set; }
public CouchDatabase<Clone> Clones { get; set; }
protected override void OnConfiguring(CouchOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
.UseBasicAuthentication(username: "anakin", password: "empirerule");
// Usage
await using var context = new MyDeathStarContext();
var skywalkers = await context.Rebels
.Where(r =>
r.Surname == "Skywalker" &&
r.Battles.All(b => b.Planet == "Naboo") ||
r.Battles.Any(b => b.Planet == "Death Star")
.OrderByDescending(r => r.Name)
.ThenByDescending(r => r.Age)
r => r.Name,
r => r.Age
The produced Mango JSON:
"selector": {
"$and": [
"surname": "Skywalker"
"$or": [
"battles": {
"$allMatch": {
"planet": "Naboo"
"battles": {
"$elemMatch": {
"planet": "Death Star"
"sort": [
{ "name": "desc" },
{ "age": "desc" }
"limit": 2,
"fields": [
- Getting started
- Queries
- Client operations
- Database operations
- Authentication
- Options
- Custom JSON values
- Attachments
- DB Changes Feed
- Indexing
- Database Splitting
- Views
- Local (non-replicating) Documents
- Bookmark and Execution stats
- Users
- Replication
- Dependency Injection
- Advanced
- Contributors
- Install it from NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CouchDB.NET
- Create a context or a client, where localhost will be the IP address and 5984 is CouchDB standard tcp port:
await using var context = new MyDeathStarContext(builder => {}); // or await using(var client = new CouchClient("http://localhost:5984", builder => {})) { }
- Create a document class:
public class Rebel : CouchDocument
- Get a database reference:
var rebels = context.Rebels; // or var rebels = client.GetDatabase<Rebel>();
- Query the database
var skywalkers = await rebels.Where(r => r.Surname == "Skywalker").ToListAsync();
The database class exposes all the implemented LINQ methods like Where and OrderBy, those methods returns an IQueryable.
LINQ are supported natively to the following is possible:
var skywalkers =
from r in context.Rebels
where r.Surname == "Skywalker"
select r;
The selector is created when the method Where (IQueryable) is called. If the Where method is not called in the expression, it will at an empty selector.
Mango | C# |
$and | && |
$or | || |
$not | ! |
$nor | !( || ) |
$all | a.Contains(x) |
$all | a.Contains(list) |
$elemMatch | a.Any(condition) |
$allMatch | a.All(condition) |
Mango | C# |
$lt | < |
$lte | <= |
$eq (implicit) | == |
$ne | != |
$gte | >= |
$gt | > |
$exists | o.FieldExists(s) |
$type | o.IsCouchType(...) |
$in | o.In(list) |
$nin | !o.In(list) |
$size | a.Count == x |
$mod | n % x = y |
$regex | s.IsMatch(rx) |
Mango | C# |
limit | Take(n) |
skip | Skip(n) |
sort | OrderBy(..) |
sort | OrderBy(..).ThenBy() |
sort | OrderByDescending(..) |
sort | OrderByDescending(..).ThenByDescending() |
fields | Select(x => x.Prop1, x => x.Prop2) |
fields | Convert<SourceType, SimplerType>() |
use_index | UseIndex("design_document") |
use_index | UseIndex(new [] { "design_document", "index_name" }) |
r | WithReadQuorum(n) |
bookmark | UseBookmark(s) |
update | WithoutIndexUpdate() |
stable | FromStable() |
execution_stats | IncludeExecutionStats() |
conflicts | IncludeConflicts() |
Some methods that are not directly supported by CouchDB are converted to a composition of supported ones!
Input | Output |
Min(d => d.Property) | OrderBy(d => d.Property).Take(1).Select(d => d.Property).Min() |
Max(d => d.Property) | OrderByDescending(d => d.Property).Take(1).Select(d => d.Property).Max() |
Sum(d => d.Property) | Select(d => d.Property).Sum() |
Average(d => d.Property) | Select(d => d.Property).Average() |
Any() | Take(1).Any() |
Any(d => condition) | Where(d => condition).Take(1).Any() |
All(d => condition) | Where(d => !condition).Take(1).Any() |
Single() | Take(2).Single() |
SingleOrDefault() | Take(2).SingleOrDefault() |
Single(d => condition) | Where(d => condition).Take(2).Single() |
SingleOrDefault(d => condition) | Where(d => condition).Take(2).SingleOrDefault() |
First() | Take(1).First() |
FirstOrDefault() | Take(1).FirstOrDefault() |
First(d => condition) | Where(d => condition).Take(1).First() |
FirstOrDefault(d => condition) | Where(d => condition).Take(1).FirstOrDefault() |
Last() | Where(d => Last() |
LastOrDefault() | LastOrDefault() |
Last(d => condition) | Where(d => condition).Last() |
LastOrDefault(d => condition) | Where(d => condition).LastOrDefault() |
INFO: Also Select(d => d.Property)
, Min
and Max
are supported.
WARN: Since Max and Min use sort, an index must be created.
Since v2.0 IQueryable
methods that are not natively supported will throw an exception.
// CRUD from class name (rebels)
var rebels = client.GetDatabase<Rebel>();
var rebels = await client.GetOrCreateDatabaseAsync<Rebel>();
var rebels = await client.CreateDatabaseAsync<Rebel>();
await client.DeleteDatabaseAsync<Rebel>();
// CRUD specific name
var rebels = client.GetDatabase<Rebel>("naboo_rebels");
var rebels = client.GetOrCreateDatabaseAsync<Rebel>("naboo_rebels");
var rebels = await client.CreateDatabaseAsync<Rebel>("naboo_rebels");
await client.DeleteDatabaseAsync("naboo_rebels");
// Utils
var isRunning = await client.IsUpAsync();
var databases = await client.GetDatabasesNamesAsync();
var tasks = await client.GetActiveTasksAsync();
await rebels.AddAsync(rebel);
await rebels.AddOrUpdateAsync(rebel);
await rebels.RemoveAsync(rebel);
var rebel = await rebels.FindAsync(id);
var rebel = await rebels.FindAsync(id, withConflicts: true);
var list = await rebels.FindManyAsync(ids);
var list = await rebels.QueryAsync(someMangoJson);
var list = await rebels.QueryAsync(someMangoObject);
// Bulk
await rebels.AddOrUpdateRangeAsync(moreRebels);
await rebels.DeleteRangeAsync(ids);
await rebels.DeleteRangeAsync(moreRebels);
// Utils
await rebels.CompactAsync();
var info = await rebels.GetInfoAsync();
// Security
await rebels.Security.SetInfoAsync(securityInfo);
var securityInfo = await rebels.Security.GetInfoAsync();
// Basic
.UseBasicAuthentication("root", "relax")
// Cookie
.UseCookieAuthentication("root", "relax")
.UseCookieAuthentication("root", "relax", cookieDuration)
// Proxy
.UseProxyAuthentication("root", new[] { "role1", "role2" })
// JTW
.UseJwtAuthentication(async () => await NewTokenAsync())
The second parameter of the client constructor is a function to configure CouchSettings fluently.
public class MyDeathStarContext : CouchContext
/* ... */
protected override void OnConfiguring(CouchOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
.UseBasicAuthentication("root", "relax")
// or
var client = new CouchClient("http://localhost:5984", builder => builder
.UseBasicAuthentication("root", "relax")
Method | Description |
UseBasicAuthentication | Enables basic authentication. |
UseCookieAuthentication | Enables cookie authentication. |
IgnoreCertificateValidation | Removes any SSL certificate validation. |
ConfigureCertificateValidation | Sets a custom SSL validation rule. |
DisableDocumentPluralization | Disables documents pluralization in requests. |
SetDocumentCase | Sets the format case for documents. |
SetPropertyCase | Sets the format case for properties. |
SetNullValueHandling | Sets how to handle null values. |
DisableLogOutOnDispose | Disables log out on client dispose. |
- DocumentCaseTypes: None, UnderscoreCase (default), DashCase, KebabCase.
- PropertyCaseTypes: None, CamelCase (default), PascalCase, UnderscoreCase, DashCase, KebabCase.
If you need custom values for documents and properties, it's possible to use JsonObject and JsonProperty attributes.
public class OtherRebel : Rebel
public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }
The driver fully support attachments, you can list, create, delete and download them.
// Get a document
var luke = new Rebel { Name = "Luke", Age = 19 };
// Add in memory
var pathToDocument = @".\luke.txt"
luke.Attachments.AddOrUpdate(pathToDocument, MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain);
// Delete in memory
// Save
luke = await rebels.CreateOrUpdateAsync(luke);
// Get
CouchAttachment lukeTxt = luke.Attachments["luke.txt"];
// Iterate
foreach (CouchAttachment attachment in luke.Attachments)
// Download
string downloadFilePath = await rebels.DownloadAttachment(attachment, downloadFolderPath, "luke-downloaded.txt");
Stream responseStream = await rebels.DownloadAttachmentAsStreamAsync(attachment);
The options for FindAsync(..)
and AddOrUpdateAsync(..)
support passing revision:
await _rebels.FindAsync("1", new FindOptions { Rev = "1-xxx" });
await _rebels.AddOrUpdateAsync(r, new AddOrUpdateOptions { Rev = "1-xxx" });
For attachements revisions are supported by CouchAttachment
class which is passing DocumentRev
to DownloadAttachmentAsync(..)
and DownloadAttachmentAsStreamAsync(..)
The following feed modes are supported: normal
, longpool
and continuous
Also all options and filter types are supported.
Continuous mode
is probably the most useful and it's implemented with the new IAsyncEnumerable
var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
await foreach (var change in _rebels.GetContinuousChangesAsync(options: null, filter: null, tokenSource.Token))
if (/* ... */) {
// Example
var options = new ChangesFeedOptions
Descending = true,
Limit = 10,
Since = "now",
IncludeDocs = true
ChangesFeedResponse<Rebel> changes = await GetChangesAsync(options);
// _doc_ids
var filter = ChangesFeedFilter.DocumentIds(new[] { "luke", "leia" });
// _selector
var filter = ChangesFeedFilter.Selector<Rebel>(rebel => rebel.Age == 19);
// _design
var filter = ChangesFeedFilter.Design();
// _view
var filter = ChangesFeedFilter.View(view);
// Use
ChangesFeedResponse<Rebel> changes = await GetChangesAsync(options: null, filter);
It is possible to create indexes to use when querying.
// Basic index creation
await _rebels.CreateIndexAsync("rebels_index", b => b
.IndexBy(r => r.Surname))
.ThenBy(r => r.Name));
// Descending index creation
await _rebels.CreateIndexAsync("rebels_index", b => b
.IndexByDescending(r => r.Surname))
.ThenByDescending(r => r.Name));
// Specifies the design document and/or whether a JSON index is partitioned or global
await _rebels.CreateIndexAsync("rebels_index", b => b
.IndexBy(r => r.Surname),
new IndexOptions()
DesignDocument = "surnames_ddoc",
Partitioned = true
// Create an index which excludes documents at index time
await _rebels.CreateIndexAsync("skywalkers_index", b => b
.IndexBy(r => r.Name)
.Where(r => r.Surname == "Skywalker");
// Get the list of indexes
var indexes = await _rebels.GetIndexesAsync();
// Delete an indexes
await _rebels.DeleteIndexAsync(indexes[0]);
// or
await _rebels.DeleteIndexAsync("surnames_ddoc", name: "surnames");
Finally it's possible to configure indexes on the CouchContext
public class MyDeathStarContext : CouchContext
public CouchDatabase<Rebel> Rebels { get; set; }
// OnConfiguring(CouchOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder) { ... }
protected override void OnDatabaseCreating(CouchDatabaseBuilder databaseBuilder)
.HasIndex("rebel_surnames_index", b => b.IndexBy(b => b.Surname));
It is possible to use the same database for multiple types:
public class MyDeathStarContext : CouchContext
public CouchDatabase<Rebel> Rebels { get; set; }
public CouchDatabase<Vehicle> Vehicles { get; set; }
// OnConfiguring(CouchOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder) { ... }
protected override void OnDatabaseCreating(CouchDatabaseBuilder databaseBuilder)
When multiple
point to the same database, asplit_discriminator
field is added on document creation.When querying, a filter by
is added automatically.
If you are not using CouchContext
, you can still use the database split feature:
var rebels = client.GetDatabase<Rebel>("troops", nameof(Rebel));
var vehicles = client.GetDatabase<Vehicle>("troops", nameof(Vehicle));
It's possible to query a view with the following:
var options = new CouchViewOptions<string[]>
StartKey = new[] {"Luke", "Skywalker"},
IncludeDocs = true
var viewRows = await _rebels.GetViewAsync<string[], RebelView>("jedi", "by_name", options);
// OR
var details = await _rebels.GetDetailedViewAsync<int, BattleView>("battle", "by_name", options);
You can also query a view with multiple options to get multiple results:
var lukeOptions = new CouchViewOptions<string[]>
Key = new[] {"Luke", "Skywalker"},
IncludeDocs = true
var yodaOptions = new CouchViewOptions<string[]>
Key = new[] {"Yoda"},
IncludeDocs = true
var queries = new[]
var results = await _rebels.GetViewQueryAsync<string[], RebelView>("jedi", "by_name", queries);
var lukeRows = results[0];
var yodaRows = results[1];
// OR
var details = await _rebels.GetDetailedViewQueryAsync<string[], RebelView>("jedi", "by_name", queries);
var lukeDetails = details[0];
var yodaDetails = details[1];
The Local (non-replicating) document interface allows you to create local documents that are not replicated to other databases.
var docId = "settings";
var settings = new RebelSettings
Id = docId,
IsActive = true
// Create
await _rebels.LocalDocuments.CreateOrUpdateAsync(settings);
// Get by ID
settings = await _rebels.LocalDocuments.GetAsync<RebelSettings>(docId);
// Get all
var docs = await local.GetAsync();
// Search
var searchOpt = new LocalDocumentsOptions
Descending = true,
Limit = 10,
Conflicts = true
var docs = await local.GetAsync(searchOpt);
If bookmark and execution stats must be retrieved, call ToCouchList or ToCouchListAsync.
var allRebels = await rebels.ToCouchListAsync();
foreach(var r in allRebels)
var b = allRebels.Bookmark;
var ex = allRebels.ExecutionStats; // .IncludeExecutionStats() must be called
The driver natively support the _users database.
var users = client.GetUsersDatabase();
var luke = await users.CreateAsync(new CouchUser(name: "luke", password: "lasersword"));
It's possible to extend CouchUser for store custom info.
var users = client.GetUsersDatabase<CustomUser>();
var luke = await users.CreateAsync(new CustomUser(name: "luke", password: "lasersword"));
To change password:
luke = await users.ChangeUserPassword(luke, "r2d2");
The driver provides the ability to configure and cancel replication between databases.
if (await client.ReplicateAsync("anakin", "jedi", new CouchReplication() { Continuous = true}))
await client.RemoveReplicationAsync("anakin", "jedi", new CouchReplication() { Continuous = true });
It is also possible to specify a selector to apply to the replication
await client.ReplicateAsync("stormtroopers", "deathstar", new CouchReplication() { Continuous = true, Selector = new { designation = "FN-2187" } }));
Credentials can be specified as follows
await client.ReplicateAsync("luke", "jedi", new CouchReplication() { SourceCredentials = new CouchReplicationBasicCredentials()username: "luke", password: "r2d2") }));
As always you can leverage all the benefits of Dependency Injection.
Info: The context will be registered as a singleton
- Create a
with a constructor like the following:
public class MyDeathStarContext : CouchContext
public CouchDatabase<Rebel> Rebels { get; set; }
public MyDeathStarContext(CouchOptions<MyDeathStarContext> options)
: base(options) { }
Register the context via any of supported containers (see appropriate section section below)
Inject the context:
// RebelsController
public class RebelsController : Controller
private readonly MyDeathStarContext _context;
public RebelsController(MyDeathStarContext context)
_context = context;
Install the DI package from NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CouchDB.NET.DependencyInjection
In the
class register the context:
// ConfigureServices
services.AddCouchContext<MyDeathStarContext>(builder => builder
.UseBasicAuthentication(username: "admin", password: "admin"));
Install the DI package from NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CouchDB.NET.DependencyInjection.Autofac
In the
class register the context:
// ConfigureServices
var containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
containerBuilder.AddCouchContext<MyDeathStarContext>(optionsBuilder => optionsBuilder
.UseBasicAuthentication(username: "admin", password: "admin"));
If requests have to be modified before each call, it's possible to override OnBeforeCallAsync.
protected virtual Task OnBeforeCallAsync(HttpCall call)
Also, the configurator has ConfigureFlurlClient
to set custom HTTP client options.
Ben Origas: Features, ideas and tests like SSL custom validation, multi queryable, async deadlock, cookie authentication and many others.
n9: Proxy authentication, some bug fixes, suggestions and the great feedback on the changes feed feature!
Marc: NullValueHandling, bug fixes and suggestions!
Panos: Help with Views and Table splitting.
Benjamin Höglinger-Stelzer, mwasson74, Emre ÇAĞLAR: Attachments improvements and fixes.
Dhiren Sham: Implementing replication.
Dmitriy Larionov: Revisions improvements.