- Queensland, Australia
- https://reprage.com/posts/2022-09-16-link-tree/
crunchtime-tally Public
crunchtime-tally is a small vote tallying application.
hugo-2-stork Public
hugo-2-stork is an application that generates a stork config file from a hugo static website.
Go UpdatedJan 16, 2023 -
spectate Public
Software for controlling the SMS system of the spectate theatre performance
JavaScript UpdatedNov 22, 2020 -
RedLight Public
Switchboard software for controlling phone calls in a virtual theatre.
HTML UpdatedNov 22, 2020 -
truthmachine-server Public
OSC bridge for the truth machine theatrical polygraph.
CloudOLight Public
Control software for a dress filled with clouds of light.
glitter-dress Public
Test pattern for dresses filled with amphorous clouds of light
ssmtp Public
Forked from mburns/ssmtpSetup and Manage SSMTP via a Chef Cookbook
Ruby UpdatedFeb 19, 2019 -
go-bluetooth Public
Forked from muka/go-bluetoothGolang bluetooth client based on bluez DBus interfaces
Go MIT License UpdatedFeb 6, 2019 -
go-osc Public
Forked from hypebeast/go-oscOpen Sound Control (OSC) library for Golang. Implemented in pure Go.
Go MIT License UpdatedDec 27, 2018 -
chef-docker-images Public
Pulls docker images and creates containers from metadata specified in node attributes
blinkspace Public
Companion code for the article 'Anatomy of an Arduino Sketch'
C++ UpdatedMay 28, 2018 -
crunchtime Public
Crunchtime is a small sensor that sends OSC messages when RFID tags are detected.
rfid Public
Forked from miguelbalboa/rfidArduino RFID Library for MFRC522
C++ The Unlicense UpdatedOct 30, 2017 -
DanceDanceSense Public
Small wearable sensor that broadcasts normalised accelerometer readings via OSC messages.
gatt Public
Forked from paypal/gattGatt is a Go package for building Bluetooth Low Energy peripherals
embd Public
Forked from kidoman/embdEmbedded Programming Framework in Go