The repo is created to store the GSFM_t9_Presidential_Tweets project files
- Twitter Raw data -> nayibbukele_user_tweets.xlsx
- Bitcoin data -> ../BTCUSDT.csv
This data files are created as the checkpoint files in case the kernal breaks or notebook is revisited later points.
- tweeter_data_cleaned_v1.csv -> Twitter data after translating the Spanish text to English
- tweeter_data_cleaned_v2.csv -> Twitter data after performing the sentiment analysis using the vedar and text blob/spacy
- tweets_under-analysis.csv -> Extracted the initial set of tweets with sentiment analysis for manual sentiment check.
- filtered_tweets_df.csv -> This is the resulted tweets data after applying all the filters on the initial tweets
- abnormal_evenst_60_60.csv -> abnormal events for the filtered tweets observed from an hour before and after the event
- abnormal_evenst_2-60.csv -> abnormal events for the filtered tweets observed from 2 minutes before and 15 minutes after the event
Please refer to the requirement.txt for all the packages required for the analys. Please open the command prompt and run the command 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
Note: All the required outputs are displayed and not required to re run all the code to review teh results.