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chancyk committed Dec 19, 2024
1 parent 3ff1bc4 commit b5c6ce7
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Showing 2 changed files with 383 additions and 2 deletions.
292 changes: 291 additions & 1 deletion src/derichekde.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,293 @@
## Public interface to you library.
import std/[math, strformat]

import derichekde/common

DericheConfig* = object
sigma*: float
negative*: bool
a*: array[0..4, float]
b_causal*: array[0..3, float]
b_anticausal*: array[0..4, float]
sum_causal*: float
sum_anticausal*: float

proc deriche_causal_coeff*(a_out: var array[0..4, float],
b_out: var array[0..3, float],
sigma: float) =
let K = 4

# Coefficients from Getreuer's implementation
let alpha = [
0.84, 1.8675, 0.84, -1.8675,
-0.34015, -0.1299, -0.34015, 0.1299

let x1 = exp(-1.783 / sigma)
let x2 = exp(-1.723 / sigma)
let y1 = 0.6318 / sigma
let y2 = 1.997 / sigma

let beta = [
-x1*cos(y1), x1*sin(y1), -x1*cos(-y1), x1*sin(-y1),
-x2*cos(y2), x2*sin(y2), -x2*cos(-y2), x2*sin(-y2)

let denom = sigma * 2.5066282746310007

var b: array[0..7, float]
var a: array[0..9, float]

# Initialize
b[0] = alpha[0]
b[1] = alpha[1]
for i in 2..7:
b[i] = 0

a[0] = 1
a[1] = 0
a[2] = beta[0]
a[3] = beta[1]
for i in 4..9:
a[i] = 0

for k in countup(2, 6, 2):
b[k] = beta[k]*b[k-2] - beta[k+1]*b[k-1]
b[k+1] = beta[k]*b[k-1] + beta[k+1]*b[k-2]
for j in countdown(k-2, 2, 2):
b[j] += beta[k]*b[j-2] - beta[k+1]*b[j-1]
b[j+1] += beta[k]*b[j-1] + beta[k+1]*b[j-2]

# Apply alpha coefficients
for j in countup(0, k, 2):
b[j] += alpha[k]*a[j] - alpha[k+1]*a[j+1]
b[j+1] += alpha[k]*a[j+1] + alpha[k+1]*a[j]

a[k+2] = beta[k]*a[k] - beta[k+1]*a[k+1]
a[k+3] = beta[k]*a[k+1] + beta[k+1]*a[k]
for j in countdown(k, 2, 2):
a[j] += beta[k]*a[j-2] - beta[k+1]*a[j-1]
a[j+1] += beta[k]*a[j-1] + beta[k+1]*a[j-2]

for k in 0..<K:
let j = k * 2
b_out[k] = b[j] / denom
a_out[k+1] = a[j+2]

proc deriche_config*(sigma: float, negative = false): DericheConfig =
var a: array[0..4, float] = [0,0,0,0,0]
var bc: array[0..3, float] = [0,0,0,0]

deriche_causal_coeff(a, bc, sigma)

let ba = [
bc[1] - a[1]*bc[0],
bc[2] - a[2]*bc[0],
bc[3] - a[3]*bc[0],

let accum_denom = 1.0 + a[1] + a[2] + a[3] + a[4]
let sum_causal = (bc[0] + bc[1] + bc[2] + bc[3]) / accum_denom
let sum_anticausal = (ba[1] + ba[2] + ba[3] + ba[4]) / accum_denom

result = DericheConfig(
sigma: sigma,
negative: negative,
a: a,
b_causal: bc,
b_anticausal: ba,
sum_causal: sum_causal,
sum_anticausal: sum_anticausal

proc deriche_init_zero_pad*(
dest: var openArray[float],
src: openArray[float],
N: int, stride: int,
b: openArray[float], p: int,
a: openArray[float], q: int,
sum_value: float,
h: var openArray[float],
sigma: float, tol: float = 0.5
): void =
# Compute q taps of impulse response
# q is expected to be 4 from the given code
let strideAbs = abs(stride)
let strideN = strideAbs * N
var off = if stride < 0: strideN + stride else: 0

# Compute first q taps of impulse response h
for n in 0..<q:
h[n] = if n <= p: b[n] else: 0
for m in 1..min(q, n):
h[n] -= a[m]*h[n - m]

# dest_m = sum_{n=1}^m h_{m-n} src_n
for m in 0..<q:
dest[m] = 0
for n in 1..m:
let i = off + stride*n
if i >= 0 and i < strideN:
dest[m] += h[m - n]*src[i]

# Now pad with zero (or repeated) values from src boundary
# The code in Python accumulates with infinite zero padding
# Actually it reuses 'cur' = src[off]
var cur = src[off]
var sum_val = sum_value
let max_iter = int(ceil(sigma * 10.0))
for n in 0..<max_iter:
for m in 0..<q:
dest[m] += h[m]*cur

sum_val -= abs(h[0])
if sum_val <= tol:

# Compute next impulse tap h_{n+q}
var next_h = if n+q <= p: b[n+q] else: 0.0
for m in 1..q:
next_h -= a[m]*h[q - m]

# Shift h array
for m in 0..<q-1:
h[m] = h[m+1]
h[q-1] = next_h

proc deriche_conv1d*(
c: DericheConfig,
src: openArray[float],
N: int, stride: int,
y_causal: var openArray[float],
y_anticausal: var openArray[float],
h: var openArray[float],
d: var openArray[float]
) =
let stride2 = stride * 2
let stride3 = stride * 3
let stride4 = stride * 4
let strideN = stride * N

# Initialize causal filter
y_causal, src, N, stride,
c.b_causal, 3,
c.a, 4,
c.sum_causal, h,

# Filter interior using a 4th order filter
var i = stride4
for n in 4 ..< N:
y_causal[n] =
c.b_causal[0] * src[i] +
c.b_causal[1] * src[i - stride] +
c.b_causal[2] * src[i - stride2] +
c.b_causal[3] * src[i - stride3] -
c.a[1] * y_causal[n - 1] -
c.a[2] * y_causal[n - 2] -
c.a[3] * y_causal[n - 3] -
c.a[4] * y_causal[n - 4]
i += stride

# Initialize anticausal filter
y_anticausal, src, N, -stride,
c.b_anticausal, 4,
c.a, 4,
c.sum_anticausal, h,

i = strideN - stride*5
for n in 4 ..< N:
y_anticausal[n] =
c.b_anticausal[1] * src[i + stride] +
c.b_anticausal[2] * src[i + stride2] +
c.b_anticausal[3] * src[i + stride3] +
c.b_anticausal[4] * src[i + stride4] -
c.a[1] * y_anticausal[n - 1] -
c.a[2] * y_anticausal[n - 2] -
c.a[3] * y_anticausal[n - 3] -
c.a[4] * y_anticausal[n - 4]
i -= stride

# Combine causal and anticausal
i = 0
if c.negative:
for n in 0..<N:
d[i] = y_causal[n] + y_anticausal[N - n - 1]
i += stride
for n in 0..<N:
d[i] = max(0.0, y_causal[n] + y_anticausal[N - n - 1])
i += stride

# Default parameters chosen to match Python defaults
proc density1d*(
data: var openArray[float],
extent: tuple[lo: float, hi: float] = (0.0, 0.0),
weight: seq[float] = @[],
bandwidth: float = NaN,
adjust: float = 1.0,
pad: int = 3,
bins: int = 512
): (seq[float], float, float) =

var w: seq[float]
if weight.len == 0:
# If no weight provided, use uniform weights
w = newSeq[float](data.len)
let uw = 1.0 / float(data.len)
for i in 0 ..< data.len:
w[i] = uw
w = weight

var bw = bandwidth
if isNaN(bw):
bw = adjust * nrd(data)

var lo, hi: float
if extent.lo == 0.0 and extent.hi == 0.0:
let (elo, ehi) = density_extent(data, float(pad)*bw)
lo = elo
hi = ehi
(lo, hi) = extent

let grid = bin1d(data, w, lo, hi, bins)
let delta = (hi - lo) / float(bins - 1)
let neg = has_negative(grid)

let config = deriche_config(bw / delta, neg)

# Prepare arrays for deriche_conv1d if needed:
var y_causal = newSeq[float](bins)
var y_anticausal = newSeq[float](bins)
var h = newSeq[float](5)
var d = newSeq[float](bins)

deriche_conv1d(config, grid, bins, 1, y_causal, y_anticausal, h, d)
return (d, lo, hi)

when isMainModule:
# Example usage of density1d
var data = @[1.2, 2.3, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.8, 4.1, 4.5, 4.7, 5.1]
let (density, lo, hi) = density1d(data)

echo "Density estimation results:"
echo fmt"Range: [{lo:.2f}, {hi:.2f}]"
echo fmt"First few density values: {density[0..4]}"

93 changes: 92 additions & 1 deletion src/derichekde/common.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,92 @@
## Add private variables or functions here that you don't want to export.
import std/[math, algorithm]

proc density_extent*(data: openArray[float], pad: float = 0.0): tuple[lo: float, hi: float] =
return (min(data) - pad, max(data) + pad)

proc stdev(values: openArray[float]): float =
let n = values.len
if n < 2:
return NaN
var count = 0
var mean = 0.0
var sum_val = 0.0
for i in 0..<n:
count += 1
let value = values[i]
let delta = value - mean
mean += delta / float(count)
sum_val += delta*(value - mean)
return sqrt(sum_val / float(count - 1))

proc quantile(values: openArray[float], p: float): float =
let n = values.len
if n == 0:
return NaN
if p <= 0 or n < 2:
return values[0]
if p >= 1:
return values[n-1]

let i0 = (float(n) - 1.0) * p
let i1 = floor(i0).int
return values[i1] + (values[i1+1] - values[i1])*(i0 - float(i1))

proc nrd*(data: var openArray[float]): float =
# Sort the data in-place
let sd = stdev(data)
let q1 = quantile(data, 0.25)
let q3 = quantile(data, 0.75)
let n = data.len.float
let h = (q3 - q1) / 1.34

# Replicate the pythonic "or" logic:
# v = min(sd,h) or sd or abs(q1) or 1
var v = min(sd, h)
if v == 0.0:
v = sd
if v == 0.0:
v = abs(q1)
if v == 0.0:
v = 1.0

return 1.06 * v * pow(n, -0.2)

proc bin1d*(
data: openArray[float], weight: openArray[float],
lo: float, hi: float, n: int
): seq[float] =
# Initialize the grid with zeros
var grid = newSeq[float](n)
let delta = (hi - lo) / float(n - 1)

for i in 0 ..< data.len:
let p = (data[i] - lo) / delta
let u = int(floor(p))
let v = u + 1

if u >= 0 and u < n and v < n:
grid[u] += (float(v) - p) * weight[i]
grid[v] += (p - float(u)) * weight[i]
elif u == -1:
# v = 0 in this case
if v < n:
grid[v] += (p - float(u)) * weight[i]
elif v == n:
# u = n-1 in this case
if u >= 0 and u < n:
grid[u] += (float(v) - p) * weight[i]

return grid

proc has_negative*(values: openArray[float]): bool =
for value in values:
if value < 0:
return true
return false

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