Live Link:
- Complaint Box for the common people's Basic neccessity, where they can post their daily life problems and can manage their complaint and check any previous complaint status.
- Admin can review the under process complaint and post solution for the complaint and mark it as completed
Basics features
User SignIn/login/logout
User Email Verification
Reset Password in case of Forgotten Password
User Complaint
-> Custom Complaints
-> Descriptive Complaints
-> Complaints in PDF format
User can view and edit his Profile including email
User can view his all the previous complaints with date and time in the dashborad
User edit/delete the complaints
User can check the status of their Complaints, either it is underprocess, reviewed or completed
User can see the solution of completed complaints posted by the admin for the particular complaints in their status bar after clicking the completed button.
User can rate our website
Admin SignIn/login/edit profile
Admin can watch all the complaints in his dashbar including total no. of complaints and pending no. complaints
Admin can manage the complaints
Admin can post the solution for the particular complaints and mark is as completed