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Script Descriptions

ACE             --- ACE related computation
ACIS_Rad        --- ACIS Radiation Correlations
ALERTS          --- Radiation Environment Summary
Comm_data       --- Collecting Comm Contact Data
CRM3            --- The Chandra Radiation Model
CRMFLX          --- CRM fotran library: CRMFLX_ver23a is most stable
Doc             --- this directory
EPHEM           --- Updating Ephemeris Related Data
geopack         --- geopack fortran library
GOES            --- GOES proton/particle monitoring system for Chandra
GSM_plots       --- Create GSM and GSE plots
house_keeping   --- keeping house keeping data
KP              --- Extract K index
Makefile        --- a make file
Makefile_local  --- a make file without copying files from the source directory
MTA_Rad         --- Convert /dsops/... data to mta usable data format
SOHO            --- Predict and plot the solar wind environment for Chandra
STEREO          --- Copying data and plots from NOAA STEREO site
TLE             --- process TLE ephemeris files for XMM and CXO
Web_dir         --- Saving web directroy
XMM             --- Real time XMM-Newton radiation observations

For more details, please read README file in each directory.

Current Directory Paths

'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/'                 : spw_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/house_keeping/'   : house_keeping
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/Idl_subs/'        : idl_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/ACE/'             : ace_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/ALERTS/'          : alerts_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/KP/'              : kp_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/GOES/'            : goes_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/EPHEM/'           : ephem_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/geopack/'         : geopack_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/SOHO/'            : soho_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/TLE/'             : tle_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/STEREO/'          : stereo_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/Comm_data/'       : comm_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/CRM/'             : crm_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/CRM2/'            : crm2_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/CRM3/'            : crm3_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/CRMFLX/'          : crmflx_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/GSM_plots/'       : gsm_plot_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/MTA_Rad/'         : mta_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/ACIS_Rad/'        : acis_dir
'/data/mta4/Space_Weather/XMM/'             : xmm_dir
'/data/mta4/www/RADIATION_new/'             : html_dir
''    : main_web
''              : noaa_ftp
''          : ace_ftp
''                   : noaa_site
'': kp_site
'/proj/web-cxc-dmz/htdocs/'                 : htdocs
'/proj/sot/ska/data/arc/iFOT_events/'       : ifot_dir
'/'                        : umd_site

Web Directory

Physical Location:  /data/mta4/www/RADIATION_new/


        input:  /data/mta4/Space_Weather/EPHEM/Data/PE.EPH.gsme_in_Re
        output: /data/mta4/Space_Weather/CRM3/Data/CRM3_p.dat<**>

gfortran -std=legacy -ffixed-form -fd-lines-as-comments -ffixed-line-length-non
    runcrm.f /data/mta4/Space_Weather/CRMFLX/CRMFLX_V33/CRMFLX_V33.f -o runcrm

cron job

r2d2-v as mta

#--- ACE ---
2,8,13,18,23,28,33,38,43,48,54 * * * * /data/mta4/Space_Weather/ACE/Scripts/ace_wrap_script > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/ace_main.cron 2>&1
#--- ACIS Rad ---
45 1 * * * cd /data/mta4/Space_Weather/ACIS_Rad/Scripts; run_rad_wrap_script     > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/acis_rad_run_rad.cron 2>&1
43 1 1 * * cd /data/mta4/Space_Weather/ACIS_Rad/Scripts; update_html_wrap_script > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/acis_rad_html_page.cron 2>&1
#--- Alert summary page ---
2,12,22,32,42,52 * * * * cd /data/mta4/Space_Weather/ALERTS/Scripts ; /data/mta4/Space_Weather/ALERTS/Scripts/rad_summ_wrap_script > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/alert_summary.cron 2>&1
#--- Comm related Data ---
23 * * * * /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Comm_data/Scripts/comm_wrap_script > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/comm_collect_comm.cron 2>&1
#--- CRM ---
21 3,6,9,12,18,21 * * *                      /data/mta4/Space_Weather/CRM3/Scripts/crm_wrap_script > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/crm3_runcrm.cron 2>&1

2,7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52,57 * * * *  /data/mta4/Space_Weather/CRM3/Scripts/crm_table_wrap_script >  /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/crm3_create_table.cron 2>&1
#--- EPHEM ---
21 3 * * *  cd /data/mta4/Space_Weather/EPHEM/Scripts; /data/mta4/Space_Weather/EPHEM/Scripts/ephem_copy_wrap_script > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/ephem_ephem.cron   2>&1

19 3,6,9,12,18,21 * * *   /data/mta4/Space_Weather/EPHEM/Scripts/ephem_shorten_wrap_script > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/ephem_shorten.cron 2>&1
#--- GOES ---
2,7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52,57 * * * * /data/mta4/Space_Weather/GOES/Scripts/goes_wrap_script      > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/goes_main.cron 2>&1
14 2 * * *                                /data/mta4/Space_Weather/GOES/Scripts/goes_long_wrap_script > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/goes_long_term.cron 2>&1
14 2 * * *                                /data/mta4/Space_Weather/GOES/Scripts/ > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/goes_x_ray_plot.cron 2>&1
#--- GSM Plots ---
2,17,32,47 * * * * cd /data/mta4/Space_Weather/GSM_plots/Scripts/; /data/mta4/Space_Weather/GSM_plots/Scripts/gsm_wrap_script > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/gsm_plot.cron 2>&1
#--- KP ---
14 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21 * * * /data/mta4/Space_Weather/KP/Scripts/kp_wrap_script  > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/kp_index_update.cron 2>&1
#--- SOHO ---
36 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21 * * *  cd /data/mta4/Space_Weather/SOHO/Scripts; /data/mta4/Space_Weather/SOHO/Scripts/solar_wind_warp_script 2>&1
#--- STEREO ---
2,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56 * * * * /data/mta4/Space_Weather/STEREO/Scripts/stereo_wrap_script > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/stereo_data.cron 2>&1
#--- TLE ---
22 2 * * *  cd /data/mta4/Space_Weather/TLE/Scripts/;/data/mta4/Space_Weather/TLE/Scripts/create_orbital_warp_script > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/tle_get.cron 2>&1
#--- XMM ---
2,12,22,32,42,52 * * * * cd /data/mta4/Space_Weather/XMM/Scripts ; /data/mta4/Space_Weather/XMM/Scripts/xmm_wrap_script > /data/mta4/Space_Weather/Test_Logs/xmm_main.cron  2>&1

c3po-v as mta

daemonized process on c3po-v as mta
mta      17481  0.0  0.0  12668   436 ?        S    06:46   0:00 interpolate_daemonize

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