#A quick exploration of react-native Building a small app targeting Android 6.0.1 in an effort to learn a bit about what it's like to develop with react-native.
##My process
- Followed a couple react-native start tutorials. They each use the npm package 'react-native' to generate a project with iOS and Android boilerplate code that renders a simple view.
- Used Atom IDE with Facebook's Nuclide Skin (includes features specific to react-native).
- Originally I had more functionality planned for this app (see app ideas below), but had to limit the scope to a simple reproduction of the Facebook CameraRoll gallery app because of time constraints and overall I found the react-native libraries limiting, especially when it comes to support for android. To accomplish the full feature set would've required using native android libraries and expose their functionality with custom react-native components (this is beyond the scope of what I wanted to learn here).
##Running this app Prerequisite: follow the installation steps here - http://facebook.github.io/react-native/releases/0.27/docs/getting-started.html
Connect your android device (or use an emulator from Android Studio & install the required SDK & SDK tools)
then from the terminal at the root of the project: react-native run-android -if there's an error, check the troubleshooting advice in the message -adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
##App Ideas
- Initial UI showing the most recent 18 fotos
- Shake to start - main logic processes here
- These 18 fotos are processed (using algorithms to be described in another post) and the UI is updated to show the 'best' fotos
- Prompt with message asking user if they want to save these fotos and delete the others ("Save only the best & delete the rest?")
##Additional Resources:
- Official (albeit lacking) Facebook Documentation: http://facebook.github.io/react-native/releases/0.27/docs/getting-started.html
- A collection of resources for react-native: https://github.com/jondot/awesome-react-native
- A similar collection but for reactjs: https://github.com/enaqx/awesome-react
- A tutorial & ebook for reactjs: https://github.com/survivejs/react