Greetings! I am Charles, a dedicated Front-End Web Developer with a passion for crafting intuitive and engaging user experiences.
💻 I am presently employing my skills on various projects, utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as Angular 16, React, Node.js + TypeScript, and plain Javascript to transform ideas into digital realities.
🎓 I am in the process of expanding my horizons by learning Linux and working towards LPIC certifications while concurrently deepening my understanding of Node.js.
🌐 I am keen on collaborating on open-source projects, particularly those centered around language learning—a personal passion of mine.
🆘 I am actively seeking assistance and guidance to enhance my proficiency in back-end programming (Java).
❓ Feel free to reach out with any queries related to front-end development. I'm always thrilled to share my knowledge and assist where I can!
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
⚡ Fun fact: Language learning is not just part of my professional interests, but also a favorite pastime of mine!
📫 Let's connect: Feel free to drop me an email, or find me on Github or LinkedIn for further discussions or collaborations. Also check my Medium blog, where I talk about tech in general and also about Kanji Kentei.
My programming languages and technologies: