This project is a machine shop management website, capable of displaying what jobs are running in a machine shop at any given time. It's currently not ready to be deployed past its main deployment on
- View jobs running on any given machine. Jobs are marked as NOW (Currently running), NEXT (Queued to run soon), and DONE (Finished).
- When editing jobs, you can press a button to move from NEXT to NOW, NOW to DONE, and DONE back to NEXT.
- DONE jobs will automatically disappear after one week.
- Machines can be marked as out of order or prioritized, which will gray the machine out or turn it yellow.
- Jobs can also be marked as priority, making them appear at the top of their list and appear yellow.
- A "change view" button in the top-left of the screen will change the view between different buildings.
- A history of all edits can be viewed at
- A view of the shop at any moment in time can be viewed at