Another alternative to Node.js. Another purpose to this is to include native OS GUI api's.
var fs = include('fs');
fs = {
inDir: function(dir, filePath){},
isDir: function(path),
deleteDir: function(path),
exists: function(filePath),
open: function(filePath),
fileInfo: function(filePath),
deleteFile: function(filePath),
readDir: function(dir),
write: function(filePath, data),
rename: function(oldFilePath, newFilePath)
var os = include('os');
os = {
launch: function(programName),
platform: [String],
cpus: [Number],
hostname: [String]
var shell = include('shell');
shell = {
execute: function(command),
print: function(obj)
var http = include('http');
http = {
createServer: function(response, request) // Very buggy right now
var Doc = include('documentBuilder');
var d = new Doc(tagName);
d.attr(name, value);
var htmlString =;
To include a module, use include()
followed by the module or file path name
// Module
var fs = include('fs');
// File
var test = include('test/testFile.js');
To included file assign the return object to the variable send
var test = {
a: 'test',
b: 1
var send = test;
exit() // Exits program
print() // Prints the object
The current solution is build specifically for Mac, I'll work on Windows in a little while
- Clang++
- Python
Go to JSK base directory ./ v8 [native or just leave blank for all]
Go to JSK base directory
- Windows: ./ build
- Mac: ./ build darwin
Go to JSK base directory ./ run ./ run [filename]