Ichicode is a multi-purpose mod / stat / fun / music / shitposting Discord bot!
- botavatar : Sets the bot's avatar.
- nickname : Sets the bot's nickname.
- dm : DMs a user.
- presence : Sets the bot's Discord presence.
- age : View the age of the guild / member / channel / role.
- channels : Displays channel listings.
- chat : Send a chat between channels.
- id : Returns the ID of the guild / member / channel / role.
- membercount : Returns the total members within a guild / role.
- memberlist : DMs a list of members and member IDs.
- roleinfo : Fetches role permissions and info
- server : Displays basic server information.
- eval : Evaluates an expression.
- exec : Executes an expression.
- ascii : Sends ascii art to a channel.
- avatar : Fetches the mentioned member's avatar.
- caps : rEtUrNs TeXt LiKe ThIs To A cHaNnEl.
- shame : SHAME. SHAME.
- shameban : BAN. BAN.
- ban : Bans a mentioned member.
- info : Fetches info about a member.
- kick : Kicks a mentioned member.
- lock : Locks a channel.
- mute : Mutes a member.
- prune : Prunes messages in a channel with filter.
- role : Adds / Removes roles from mentioned member.
- speak : Has the bot speak in voice channel usign Google TTS.
- unlock : Unlocks a channel.
- unmute : Unmutes a mentioned member.
- add : Adds a YouTube URL / ID / Search Term / uploaded music file to the music queue.
- end : Ends the currently playing song.
- join : Have the bot join the author's current voice channel.
- leave : Has the bot leave a voice channel.
- lyrics : Scrapes AZLyrics for song lyrics.
- nowplaying : Display the currently playing song.
- pause : Pause the currently playing song.
- play : Auto joins a voice channel and plays the first song in queue.
- queue : Lists the song queue.
- remove : Removes a songs from the queue if you queued it.
- resume : Resumes the currently playing song.
- skip : Skips the currently playing song.
- time : Returns the remaining time left in the song.
- volume : Adjusts stream volume (not client volume).
- membersjoined : Returns members joined over a time period.
- messages : Returns message counts per channel / member.
- rolemembercount : Returns members in a role.
- debug : Logs debug info.
- error : Logs error info.
- guildCreate : Logs guild add info.
- guildDelete : Logs guild delete info.
- guildMemberAdd : Logs guild member add info.
- guildMemberRemove : Logs guild member remove info.
- ready : Logs ready info.
- antispam : Prevents chat spamming guild wide.
- dadjoke : "I'm Chase" "Hi, Chase, I'm Ichicode!"
- wakemeup : "Wake me up inside!"
- what : "WHAT"
Maybe some day.
- Create a new 'app' from https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me
- Give it a fancy name / picture / description.
- Click 'Create Bot User'.
- Download this repo.
- Modify 'config.ex.js' with 'config.js' and enter in your tokens.
- Inside your newly created file, add your Discord bot token / your profile ID obtained from the 'app' page you just created.
- Run $ npm install
- Enjoy!