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A dynamic user interface for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables within Obsidian


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Obsidian Style Settings Plugin

This plugin allows snippet, theme, and plugin CSS files to define a set of configuration options. It then allows users to see all the tweakable settings in one settings pane. Style Settings allows both toggling classes on and off the body element, as well as setting numeric, string, and color CSS variables.

This CSS Snippet can be used to adjust every CSS variable of the default Obsidian theme.

Configurable settings are defined by comments within CSS files beginning with /* @settings. These comments must contain YAML with name, id, and settings properties. Style Settings will scan all CSS loaded by Obsidian for these comments.

For example, adding this to a CSS snippet in your vault:

/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: my-title
        title: My Settings
        type: heading
        level: 3
        id: accent
        title: Accent Color
        type: variable-color
        format: hsl-split
        default: '#007AFF'
        id: text
        title: UI font
        description: Font used for the user interface
        type: variable-text
        default: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif


will result in:

Example output of plugin

Each setting definition must be separated by a dash (-). There are 7 setting types.

All settings definitions must have these parameters:

  • id: A unique id for the setting parameter
  • title: The name of the setting
  • description (optional): a description of the setting
  • type: The type of setting. Can be one of:
    • heading: a heading element for organizing settings
    • class-toggle: a switch to toggle classes on the body element
    • class-select: a dropdown menu of predefined options to add classes on the body element
    • variable-text: a text-based CSS variable
    • variable-number: a numeric CSS variable
    • variable-number-slider: a numeric CSS variable represented by a slider
    • variable-select: a text-based CSS variable displayed as a dropdown menu of predefined options
    • variable-color: a color CSS variable with corresponding color picker


headings can be used to organize and group settings into collapsable nested sections. Along with the required attributes, headings must contain a level attribute between 1 and 6, and can optionally contain a collapsed attribute:

/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: this-is-a-heading
        title: My Heading
        type: heading
        level: 2
        collapsed: true



info-text displays arbitrary informational text to users. The description may contain markdown if markdown is set to true.

/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: my-info-text
        title: Information
        description: "This is *informational* text"
        type: info-text
        markdown: true



class-toggles will toggle a css class on and off of the body element, allowing CSS themes and snippets to toggle features on and off. The id of the setting will be used as the class name. The default parameter can optionally be set to true. class-toggle also supports the addCommand property. When set to true a command will be added to obsidian to toggle the class via a hotkey or the command palette.

/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: my-css-class
        title: My Toggle
        description: Adds my-css-class to the body element
        type: class-toggle



class-select creates a dropdown of predefined options for a CSS variable. The id of the setting will be used as the variable name.

  • When allowEmpty is false, a default option must be specified.
  • When allowEmpty is true, the default attribute is optional, and may be set to none.
/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: theme-variant
        title: Theme variant
        description: Variations on a theme
        type: class-select
        allowEmpty: false
        default: my-class
            - my-class
            - my-other-class
            - and-yet-another


Options may also be given a label:

/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: theme-variant
        title: Theme variant
        description: Variations on a theme
        type: class-select
        allowEmpty: false
        default: my-class
                label: My Class
                value: my-class
                label: My Other Class
                value: my-other-class


variable-text represents any text based CSS value. The id of the setting will be used as the variable name. variable-text settings require a default attribute.

/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: text
        title: UI font
        description: Font used for the user interface
        type: variable-text
        default: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif


This will output the variable:

--text: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;


variable-number represents any numeric CSS value. The id of the setting will be used as the variable name. variable-number settings require a default attribute. Optionally, a format attribute can be set. This value will be appended to the number. Eg format: px will result in 42px

/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: line-width
        title: Line width
        description: The maximum line width in rem units
        type: variable-number
        default: 42
        format: rem


This will output the variable:

--line-width: 42rem;


variable-number-slider represents any numeric CSS value. The id of the setting will be used as the variable name. variable-number-slider settings require a default attribute, as well as these three attributes:

  • min: The minimum possible value of the slider
  • max: The maximum possible value of the slider
  • step: The size of each "tick" of the slider. For example, a step of 100 will only allow the slider to move in increments of 100.

Optionally, a format attribute can be set. This value will be appended to the number. Eg format: px will result in 42px

/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: line-width
        title: Line width
        description: The maximum line width in rem units
        type: variable-number-slider
        default: 42
        min: 10
        max: 100
        step: 1


This will output the variable:

--line-width: 42;


variable-select creates a dropdown of predefined options for a CSS variable. The id of the setting will be used as the variable name. variable-select settings require a default attribute as well as a list of options.

/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: text
        title: UI font
        description: Font used for the user interface
        type: variable-select
        default: Roboto
            - Roboto
            - Helvetica Neue
            - sans-serif
            - Segoe UI


Options can optionally be given a label:

/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: text
        title: UI font
        description: Font used for the user interface
        type: variable-select
        default: Roboto
                label: The best font
                value: Roboto
                label: The next best font
                value: Helvetica Neue

This will output the variable:

--text: Roboto;


variable-color creates a color picker with a variety of output format options. A default attribute is required in hex or rgb format. Note: hex color values must be wrapped in quotes. A format attribute is also required.

Optional parameters:

  • Setting opacity to true will enable opacity support in all output formats.
  • A list of alternate output formats can be supplied via the alt-format setting
/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: accent
        title: Accent Color
        type: variable-color
        opacity: false
        format: hex
                id: accent-rgb
                format: rgb
        default: '#007AFF'


This will output the variable:

--accent: #007AFF;
--accent-rgb: rgb(0, 123, 255);


variable-themed-color is identical to variable-color except that it generates two color pickers for a light and dark variant.

/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: accent
        title: Accent Color
        type: variable-themed-color
        format: hex
        opacity: false
        default-light: '#007AFF'
        default-dark: '#2DB253'


This will output the variables:

body.theme-light.css-settings-manager { --accent: #007AFF; } 
body.theme-dark.css-settings-manager { --accent: #2DB253; }

variable-color formatting options

There are 8 formatting options:

  • hex
--accent: #007AFF;

When opacity is set to true:

--accent: #007AFFFF;
  • rgb
--accent: rgb(0, 122, 255);

When opacity is set to true:

--accent: rgba(0, 122, 255, 1);
  • rgb-values
--accent: 0, 122, 255;

When opacity is set to true:

--accent: 0, 122, 255, 1;
  • rgb-split
--accent-r: 0;
--accent-g: 122;
--accent-b: 255;

When opacity is set to true:

--accent-r: 0;
--accent-g: 122;
--accent-b: 255;
--accent-a: 1;
  • hsl
--accent: hsl(211, 100%, 50%);

When opacity is set to true:

--accent: hsla(211, 100%, 50%, 1);
  • hsl-values
--accent: 211, 100%, 50%;

When opacity is set to true:

--accent: 211, 100%, 50%, 1;
  • hsl-split
--accent-h: 211;
--accent-s: 100%;
--accent-l: 50%;

When opacity is set to true:

--accent-h: 211;
--accent-s: 100%;
--accent-l: 50%;
--accent-a: 1;
  • hsl-split-decimal
--accent-h: 211;
--accent-s: 1;
--accent-l: 0.5;

When opacity is set to true:

--accent-h: 211;
--accent-s: 1;
--accent-l: 0.5;
--accent-a: 1;


color-gradient outputs a fixed number of colors along a gradient between two existing color variables. A format attribute is also required. Note: The to variable must be set in style settings for the gradient to be generated. Also, gradients will only be generated using colors defined under the current style settings id.


  • from: The starting color, or color that will be at step 0
  • to: The ending color, or color that will be at step 100
  • step: The increment at which to output a CSS variable. For example, setting step to 10 will output --var-0, --var-10, --var-20, etc...
  • format: Can be one of: hsl, rgb, or hex;
  • pad?: When set, the number section of the variable will be padded with 0's until it contains this number of digits. For example, setting pad to 3 and step to 10 will output --var-000, --var-010, --var-020
/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: color-base
        type: color-gradient
        from: color-base-00
        to: color-base-100
        step: 5
        pad: 2
        format: hex


Plugin Support

Plugins can specify a style setting config in the plugin's CSS. Plugins must call app.workspace.trigger("parse-style-settings") when the plugin loads in order for Style Settings to be notified of CSS changes.

Localization Support

Translations for titles and descriptions can be supplied for each language Obsidian supports by using one of the following postfixes:

en: English
zh: 简体中文
zh-TW: 繁體中文
ru: Pусский
ko: 한국어
it: Italiano
id: Bahasa Indonesia
ro: Română
pt-BR: Portugues do Brasil
cz: čeština
de: Deutsch
es: Español
fr: Français
no: Norsk
pl: język polski
pt: Português
ja: 日本語
da: Dansk
uk: Український
sq: Shqip
tr: Türkçe (kısmi)
hi: हिन्दी (आंशिक)
nl: Nederlands (gedeeltelijk)
ar: العربية (جزئي)

For example:

/* @settings

name: Your Section Name Here
id: a-unique-id
        id: my-css-class
        title: My Toggle Mein Toggle
        title.ko: 내 토글
        description: Adds my-css-class to the body element Fügt my-css-class zum body-Element hinzu
        description.ko: my-css-class를 body 요소에 추가합니다.
        type: class-toggle



A dynamic user interface for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables within Obsidian







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  • TypeScript 72.8%
  • CSS 25.0%
  • JavaScript 2.2%