Copyright © 2021–2025 Check Digit, LLC
The Check Digit currency library is the officially sanctioned method for Check Digit services to deal with currency types, formatting and country/currency relationships at a particular date/time. Features:
- various currency and country lookup functions at a particular date/time starting 2018 and beyond, anything earlier will throw an error.
- Typescript types for Amount, Money, ISO 3166 country codes (numeric, alpha2, alpha3), and ISO 4217 currency codes (name, alphabetic, numeric)
- currency formatting of Check Digit-standard Money objects, with a variety of options
- tests to ensure compliance with number-based Intl.NumberFormat currency implementation
- tests to ensure correctness of underlying JS engine Intl implementation, with respect to currency
- multi-locale (all modern browsers and Node 14+ includes full ICU)
- uses built-in JS engine Intl implementation, no dependencies
npm install @checkdigit/currency
import * as currency from '@checkdigit/currency';
The four core types in the currency library are
- Amount, which is an integer either in bigint or string form (or -0).
- Money, which is an Amount combined with currency of type CurrencyAlphabeticCode (e.g. 'USD')
- Country, which is an object containing a country's ISO 3166 information and currencies
- Currency, which is an object containing a currency's ISO 4217 information
There are defined literal types for country and currency codes:
- CurrencyAlphabeticCode
- CurrencyNumericCode
- CurrencyName
- CountryAlpha2
- CountryAlpha3
- CountryNumeric
export type Amount = string | bigint | -0;
export interface Money {
amount: Amount;
currency: CurrencyAlphabeticCode;
export interface Country {
// ISO 3166 country display name, alpha2/3 and numeric codes
name: string;
alpha2: CountryAlpha2; // 'US' | 'NZ' ...
alpha3: CountryAlpha3; // 'USA' | 'NZL' ...
numeric: CountryNumeric; // '840' | '554' ...
// ISO 4217 currencies
currencyCodes: CurrencyAlphabeticCode[];
export interface Currency {
name: CurrencyName; // 'US Dollar' | 'New Zealand Dollar' ...
alphabeticCode: CurrencyAlphabeticCode; // 'USD' | 'NZD' ...
numericCode: CurrencyNumericCode; // '840' | '554' ...
minorUnits?: number;
isFund?: true;
format({ amount, currency }: Money, options?: CurrencyFormatOptions, locales?: string | string[]): string
allCurrencies(): Currency[]
getCurrency(code: CurrencyAlphabeticCode | CurrencyNumericCode): Currency
getMinorUnitDigits(currency: CurrencyAlphabeticCode)
getSymbol(currency: CurrencyAlphabeticCode, locales?: string | string[]): string
allCountries(): Country[]
getCountry(code: CountryAlpha2 | CountryAlpha3 | CountryNumeric): Country
getCountriesForCurrency(code: CurrencyAlphabeticCode): CountryAlpha3[]
currency('2023-11-02T15:35:47.191Z').format({ amount: 123456789012345678901234567890n, currency: 'USD' });
// $1,234,567,890,123,456,789,012,345,678.90
currency('2023-11-02T15:35:47.191Z').format({ amount: 123456n, currency: 'USD' });
// $1234.56
{ amount: 123456n, currency: 'USD' },
useGrouping: false,
useCurrency: false,
// 1234.56
{ amount: 123456n, currency: 'USD' },
useGrouping: false,
useCurrency: false,
useDecimal: false,
// 123456
currency('2023-11-02T15:35:47.191Z').format({ amount: -0, currency: 'USD' });
// -$0.00
{ amount: 123456789n, currency: 'USD' },
currencyDisplay: 'code',
// 1.234.567,89 USD
{ amount: 123456n, currency: 'USD' },
useDecimal: false,
useGrouping: false,
useCurrency: false,
// ১২৩৪৫৬
// $
// NZ$
currency('2023-11-02T15:35:47.191Z').getSymbol('NZD', 'en-NZ');
// $
// 2
// 0
// {
// name: 'US Dollar',
// alphabeticCode: 'USD',
// numericCode: '840',
// minorUnits: 2
// }
// {
// name: 'New Zealand Dollar',
// alphabeticCode: 'NZD',
// numericCode: '554',
// minorUnits: 2
// }
// {
// name: 'US',
// alpha2: 'US',
// alpha3: 'USA',
// numeric: '840',
// currencyCodes: [ 'USD' ]
// }
// [ 'COK', 'NIU', 'NZL', 'PCN', 'TKL' ]