composer require sparwelt/imgix-lib
// initialization
$cdnConfiguration = ['my_cdn' => ['']];
$imgix = ImgixServiceFactory::createFromConfiguration($cdnConfiguration);
// url generation
echo $imgix->generateUrl('/dir/test.png', ['w' => 100, 'h' => 200]);
// ""
// image generation
echo $imgix->generateImage('/dir/test.png', ['src' => ['w' => 100, 'h' => 200]]);
// <img src="">
// html conversion
echo $imgix->transformHtml('<li><img src="/test.png"><\li><li><img src="/test2.png">', ['src' => ['w' => 100, 'h' => 200]]);
// '<li><img src=""><\li><li><img src="">'
// image generation
echo $imgix->generateImage('/dir/test.png', [
'src' => [ 'h' => 150, 'w' => 300],
'srcset' => [
'100w' => [ 'h' => 300, 'w' => 600],
'500w' => [ 'h' => 600, 'w' => 900],
'sizes' => '(min-width: 900px) 1000px, (max-width: 900px)'
// <img src=""
// srcset=" 100w, 500w"
// sizes="(min-width: 900px) 1000px, (max-width: 900px)">
// attribute generation
echo sprintf('<img srcset="%s">', $imgix->generateAttributeValue('test.png', [
'2x' => ['w' => 400, 'h' => 200]
'3x' => ['w' => 600, 'h' => 300]
// <img srcset=" 2x, 3x">
echo $imgix->generateImage('/dir/test.png', [
'src' => [ 'h' => 30, 'w' => 60],
'srcset' => '',
'data-srcset' => [
'100w' => ['h' => 60, 'w' => 120]
'500w' => ['h' => 90, 'w' => 180],
'data-sizes' => 'auto',
'class' => 'lazyload',
//<img src=""
// data-srcset=" 100w, 500w"
// data-sizes="auto"
// class="lazyload">
Instead of specifying filters at every usage, named filters can be configured once and recalled by name:
$imgix = ImgixServiceFactory::createFromConfiguration($cdnConfiguration, [
'my_basic_filter' => [
'src' => ['w' => 30, 'h' => 60]
'my_blur_lazyload_filter' => [
'src' => ['h' => 30, 'w' => 60],
'data-src' => ['h' => 30, 'w' => 60, 'blur' => 1000],
'data-srcset' => [
'100w' => ['h' => 60, 'w' => 120]
'500w' => ['h' => 90, 'w' => 180],
'data-sizes' => 'auto',
'class' => 'lazyload',
echo $imgix->generateImage('dir/test.png', 'my_basic_filter');
//<img src="">
echo $imgix->generateImage('dir/test.png', 'my_blur_lazyload_filter');
//<img src=""
// data-src=""
// data-srcset=" 100w, 500w"
// data-sizes="auto"
// class="lazyload">
echo $imgix->generateUrl('dir/test.png', 'my_blur_lazyload_filter.src');
echo $imgix->generateUrl('dir/test.png', 'my_normal_filter', ['q' => 75]);
echo $imgix->transformHtml($html, 'my_blur_lazyload_filter');
//... replaces all images with responsive ones
The image path will be evaluate against the configurations, starting from the top one, until a suitable match is found. Multiple domains can be specified for the same configuration (domain sharding).
$imgix = ImgixServiceFactory::createFromConfiguration([
// matches images with source domain '' (including subdomains)
// AND path beginning with 'uploads/' OR 'media/'
// Relative urls won't match
'source_domains_and_pattern' => [
'cdn_domains' => [''],
'source_domains' => [''],
'path_patterns' => ['^[/]uploads/', '^[/]media/'],
// matches images with source domain exactly '' OR ''
// Relative urls won't match
'source_sub_domain' => [
'cdn_domains' => [''],
'source_domains' => ['', ''],
// matches images with source domain '' (including subdomains)
// Relative urls won't match
'source_domains' => [
'cdn_domains' => [''],
'source_domains' => [''],
// matches images with source domain '' (including subdomains)
// AND relative urls (because of the 'null')
'source_domains_and_null' => [
'cdn_domains' => [''],
'source_domains' => ['', null],
// matches relative urls only, where path begins with 'uploads/'.
// Absolute urls won't match.
'pattern' => [
'cdn_domains' => [''],
'path_patterns' => ['^[/]pattern/'],
// matches relative urls only, where path begins with 'sign-key/'.
// appends sign-key to the generated url (recommended)
'sign_key' => [
'cdn_domains' => [''],
'path_patterns' => ['[^]/sign-key/'],
'sign_key' => '12345',
// matches relative urls only, where path begins with 'shard-crc/'.
// Will choose the cdn domains by the hash of the path (recommended)
'shard_crc' => [
'cdn_domains' => ['', ''],
'path_patterns' => ['^[/]shard-crc/'],
// matches relative urls only, where path begins with 'shard-cycle/'.
// Will rotate between the 2 cdn domains (increase costs)
'shard_cycle' => [
'cdn_domains' => ['', ''],
'path_patterns' => ['^[/]shard-cycle/'],
'shard_strategy' => 'cycle',
// default parameters can be added, useful for cache bursting or automatic formatting
'default_parameters' => [
'cdn_domains' => [''],
'path_patterns' => ['^[/]shard-cycle/'],
'default_query_params' => ['cb' => '1234', 'auto' => 'quality'],
// disable parameters generation
// (useful for development/testing environments)
'bypass_dev' => [
'cdn_domains' => ['my-dev-domain.test'],
'source_domains' => ['my-dev-domain.test'],
'generate_filter_params' => false,
'use_ssl' => false
// matches all relative urls
'default' => [
'cdn_domains' => [''],