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Before installation

Before 4.0.0

lazyload CSS class is included for the lazysizes plugin to use for lazyloading

From 4.0.0

lazyload CSS class is removed in order to streamline the library


import Vue from 'vue'
import imgixTransformer from '@sparwelt/vue-imgix-transformer'

Vue.use(imgixTransformer, {
  imgixCdnConfigs: myImgixCdnConfigs,
  imgixImageConfigs: myImageConfigs
  imgixModule: imgixCoreJs // Optionally you can pass the imgix-core-js module instead of our minimal functionalities

In the options:

imgixCdnConfigs: required. It contains your CDN related configurations. The format is:

const myImgixCdnConfigs = {
  myConfig1: {
    cdnOptions: {
    sourceDomain: 'www.example.come'
  myConfig2: {
    cdnOptions: {
      domains: ''
    sourceDomain: ''

If a given image URL is an absolute path, sourceDomain will be used for checking whether the URL contains the domain. If it does, the domain will be replaced with your Imgix domain in cdnOptions. The first configuration set will be used as a default configuration if given image URL is a relative path or no matching domain is found. cdnOptions is the options for your Imgix CDN passed to imgix-core-js instance. Please see imgix-core-js

imgixImageConfigs: this is optional. You can define the image element configurations srcOptions, dataSrcOptions, dataSrcset, dataSizes such as:

const myImageConfigs = {
  pageA: {
    srcOptions: {h: 150, w: 300},
    dataSrcOptions: {h: 400, w: 800},
    dataSrcset: [
        options: {h: 200, w: 300},
        width: '480w'
        options: {h: 300, w: 600},
        width: '640w'
    dataSizes: ['(min-width: 640px) 50vw', '100vw']
  pageB: {
    srcOptions: {h: 250, w: 480},
    dataSrcOptions: {h: 400, w: 800},
    dataSrcset: [
        options: {h: 150, w: 200},
        width: '640w'
        options: {h: 200, w: 680},
        width: '800w'
    dataSizes: ['(min-width: 760px) 50vw', '100vw']


Vue components

  • Html transformer

<ImagixHtmlTransformer html="<img src='my-image.jpg'>" />

  • Image component
  :src-options="{h: 150, w: 300}"
  :data-src-options="{h: 400, w: 600}"
      options: {h: 200, w: 300},
      width: '480w'
      options: {h: 300, w: 600},
      width: '640w'
  :data-sizes="['(min-width: 640px) 50vw', '100vw']" 
  class="image-big right"
  alt="Test image"
  title="Title of the image"
<!-- :data-sizes can be ['auto'] -->
 <!-- It will render:
 <img src=";w=600&amp;ixlib=js-1.2.0" 
 srcset=";w=300&amp;ixlib=js-1.2.0 480w,;w=600&amp;ixlib=js-1.2.0 640w" 
 data-srcset=";w=300&amp;ixlib=js-1.2.0 480w,;w=600&amp;ixlib=js-1.2.0 640w" 
 data-sizes="(min-width: 640px) 50vw, 100vw" 
 alt="Test image" data-v-57509004=""
 title="Title of the image"
 class="image-big right" 
 sizes="(min-width: 640px) 50vw, 100vw">
  • Alternatively adding a pre-defined config
  class="image-big right xxx"
  alt="Test image"
  title="This is image title"


<img :src="'my-image.jpg' | imgixTransformUrl({blur: 50})"> (Before Vue 2.0)


<img :src="transformImgixUrl('my-image.jpg', {blur: 20})">

<div v-html="transformImgixUrlsInHtml(html)"></div>