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Anton Cherepov edited this page Jul 2, 2020 · 5 revisions

A command-line utility to automatically translate .xlf translation files using Google Translate


This is a command-line utility. To install this utility, run:

npm install -g xlf2xlf

This will install the utility globally so that it can be run from any location. The executable installed by this module is xlf2xlf.



  • i (alias: in) - The input .xlf file to translate;
  • o (alias: out) - The name of the translated output file;
  • f (alias: from) - The language code of the input file;
  • t (alias: to) - The language code to translate to;


  • c (alias: comment) - Indicates if an XML comment should be prepended to the output file. Default: true;
  • r (alias: rate) - Sets the rate limit for requests. Default: 0 (the value should base on suggestions);
  • s (alias: skip) - Skips translating and adds only target tag with boilerplate text. Default: false;
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