- Pro
keras project that parses and analyze english resumes
js-graph-algorithms Public
Package provides javascript implementation of algorithms for graph processing
mxnet-gan Public
My collection of GAN implemented using MXNet
mxnet-audio Public
Implementation of music genre classification, audio-to-vec, song recommender, and music search in mxnet
js-stats Public
Package provides the javascript implementation of various statistics and distribution
java-magento-client Public
Java client for communicating with Magento site
spark-ml-regex-generator Public
Spark implementation that takes a set of texts and use genetic programming to discover a regex for grok that will match other similar texts
keras-text-summarization Public
Text summarization using seq2seq in Keras
cpp-spline Public
Package provides C++ implementation of spline interpolation
ProgrammingAssignment2 Public
Forked from rdpeng/ProgrammingAssignment2Repository for Programming Assignment 2 for R Programming on Coursera
R UpdatedJul 9, 2021 -
datasciencecoursera Public
For the final project of the Data Scientist's Toolbox from Coursera
UpdatedJul 5, 2021 -
datasharing Public
Forked from jtleek/datasharingThe Leek group guide to data sharing
UpdatedJul 3, 2021 -
keras-text-to-image Public
Translate text to image in Keras using GAN and Word2Vec as well as recurrent neural networks
java-text-embedding Public
Word embedding in Java
pycompressor Public
Package provides python implementation of string compressor
pyalgs Public
Package pyalgs implements algorithms in Robert Sedgwick's Algorithms using Python
java-frequent-pattern-mining Public
Package provides java implementation of frequent pattern mining algorithms such as apriori, fp-growth
java-reinforcement-learning Public
Package provides java implementation of reinforcement learning algorithms such Q-Learn, R-Learn, SARSA, Actor-Critic
keras-video-classifier Public
Keras implementation of video classifier
pyspark-advanced-algorithms Public
Samples of Advanced Algorithms and Data Analysis implemented in pyspark
linux-command-cheatsheet Public
Some useful linux commands
Demo on how to integrate Spring Data JPA, Apache Spark and GraphX with Java and Scala mixed codes
mxnet-sentiment-analysis Public
Sentiment Analysis implemented using Gluon and MXNet
mxnet-image-to-image Public
Image to Image translation using MXNet and GAN
mxnet-text-to-image Public
Text to Image translation using Generative Adversarial Network and MXNet
mxnet-vqa Public
Yet Another Visual Question Answering in MXNet
java-geoip Public
A simple library for converting ip address to country
mysql-sql-cheatsheet Public
Collection of some mysql SQL queries i commonly used
MIT License UpdatedApr 27, 2018 -
unity-tensorflow-samples Public
Unity project that loads pretrained tensorflow pb model files and use them to predict
awesome-deep-learning Public
Forked from ChristosChristofidis/awesome-deep-learningA curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, projects and communities.