- Use a relational database (SQLite) to store animal records, experimental treatment, and metadata.
- Use cloud storage to synchronize experimental schedules and data files across all computers
- Create a local user on Windows to install Dropbox and run MedPC so that it is not specific to one technician
- Use a Linux Server on campus to run services that monitor dropbox folders to convert file formats, run analysis, and generate notifications.
- Use an off campus server (outside of firewall) to work with a messaging system (Slack) to convert user input into data in standard format and send notifications
- Convert Spreadsheet to MedPC macros for each session and all individual rats. A pdf file is also generated for record keeping
- Generate notifications when each operant run is finished
- Extract MedPC data into Spreadsheet, add session number
- Generate notifications when change in operant schedules are needed (e.g. dose, extinction, reinstatement)
- Generate warnings on exceptions (e.g body weight loss, unrealistic body weights, multiple animals have exactly same body weights).
- Generate daily schedule changes in the format that can be pasted into the Spreadsheet.
- Generate “notes” that can be pasted into slack once some procedures are done (e.g. Baytril).
- Generate reminders for starting experiments (until the experiment is started, i.e, data files exist)
- Generate reminders for missing data in database (e.g. DOW, assignment of experiment treatment)
- Update database when certain procedures are done (e.g. Brevital test)
- Maintain a log of periodic tasks (prepare drugs, cleaning chambers, etc.)
- We still have one manually maintained Spreadsheet for experiment planning.
- Reducing experimental error
- Convert user friendly format (Spreadsheet) to machine loadable exp file in MedPC.
- “Macros” and pdf files are archived automatically.
- Use foreign key in database
- Check against existing animal ID in the /note app
- Automatic reminder of schedule change
- Automatic check against common errors
- Automatic check for missing information
- Automatic database entry from notes entered in browser
- Standardized experimental record for miscellaneous notes for each animal
- Entered on a computer or smartphone
- Animal ID verified.
- Name of technician and dates are automatically recorded
- Somewhat fragile (many components)
- Need backup plan when system is down
- Need programming skills
- Still several manual processes (e.g. schedule change still needs to be copy-pasted).