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A package for estimating alternative polyadenylation events from scRNA-seq data.


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SCAPE-APA: a package for estimating alternative polyadenylation events from scRNA-seq data


Method 1

conda config --append channels bioconda 
conda config --append channels conda-forge 
conda config --append channels anaconda 
conda create -n scape_env python=3.11
conda activate scape_env

conda install anaconda::numpy
conda install anaconda::scipy
conda install anaconda::pandas
conda install anaconda::matplotlib
conda install anaconda::click
conda install anaconda::tomli-w
conda install anaconda::requests
conda install conda-forge::psutil
conda install conda-forge::tomli-w
conda install bioconda::bedtools
conda install bioconda::pybedtools
conda install bioconda::pysam
conda install bioconda::gffutils

pip install taichi
pip install scape-apa

Method 2

# Mac
conda env create -f mac_environment.yml
conda activate scape_env

Method 3

# Linux
conda env create -f linux_environment.yml
conda activate scape_env
pip install -r linux_requirements.txt

Method 4

# install locally
git clone
cd scape
pip install .


Command Description
scape gen_utr_annotation Generate UTR annotation.
scape prepare_input Prepare data per UTR.
scape infer_pa Parameters inference.
scape merge_pa Merge PA within junction per gene or UTR.
scape cal_exp_pa_len Calculate the expected length of PA.
scape ex_pa_cnt_mat Extract read count matrix.

Get help information of scape or scape commands.

scape --help
scape gen_utr_annotation --help



Input Argument Type Required Default Description
--gff_file TEXT Yes NA The gff3 or gff3.gz file including annotation of gene body.
--output_dir TEXT Yes NA Directory to save dataframe of selected UTR.
--res_file_name TEXT Yes NA File Name of dataframe of the UTR annotation. The suffix .csv is automatically generated.
--gff_merge_strategy TEXT No merge Method for processing overlapping regions. It follows merge_strategy in package gffutils.

OUTPUT: An csv file including information of annotated 3UTR which is stored at {output_dir}/{res_file_name}.csv.


Input Argument Type Required Default Description
--utr_file TEXT Yes NA UTR annotation file (dataframe, resulted from gen_utr_annotation).
--cb_file TEXT Yes NA File of tsv.gz including all validated barcodes (by CellRanger). This file has one column of cell barcode which must be consistent with value of CB tag in bam_file file.
--bam_file TEXT Yes NA Bam file that is used for searching reads over annotated UTR.
--output_dir TEXT Yes NA Output directory to save pickle files of selected reads over annotated UTR.
--chunksize INTERGER No 1000 Number of UTR regions included in each small pickle file, which contains the preprocessed input file for APA analysis.

OUTPUT: Pickle files that include tuples (gene info, dataframe of parameter).


Input Argument Type Required Default Description
--input_pickle_file TEXT Yes NA Input pickle file (result of prepare_input)
--output_dir TEXT Yes NA Directory to save output pickle files including PAS information over annotated UTR.
--toml_para_file TEXT No None A TOML file (example) specifies user-defined parameters.
--pre_para_pkl_file TEXT No None A pickle file with pre-specified pA sites and utr length, result file of scape analysis.

OUTPUT: Pickle file including Parameters for each UTR region.


Input Argument Type Required Default Description
--output_dir TEXT Yes NA Directory which was used in previous steps to save output by prepare_input and infer_pa.
--utr_merge BOOLEAN No True If True, PA sites from the same gene are merge. Otherwise, if False, PA sites from the same UTR are merged.

OUTPUT: A single pickle file containing all UTRs of all genes is stored in output_dir/. Its name is res.gene.pkl if utr_merge=True, otherwise, its name is res.utr.pkl.


Input Argument Type Required Default Description
--output_dir TEXT Yes NA Directory which was used in previous steps to save output by prepare_input and infer_pa.
--cell_cluster_file TEXT No - An csv file containing two columns in order: cell barcode (CB) and respective group (cell_cluster_file). Its name will be included in the file name of final result.
--res_pkl_file TEXT No - Name of res pickle file that contains PASs for calculating expected PA length. Its name will be included in the file name of final result.

OUTPUT: exp_pa_len.csv. It is a dataframe with 2 columns.


Input Argument Type Required Default Description
--output_dir TEXT Yes NA Directory which was used in previous steps to save output by prepare_input and infer_pa.
--res_pkl_file TEXT No - Name of res pickle file that contains PASs for calculating expected PA length. Its name will be included in the file name of final result.

OUTPUT: An tsv.gz file named {res_pkl_file.cnt.tsv.gz} is stored in output_dir/.

Demo & Tutorials

The data used can be downloaded from examples.


Cheng G, Le T, Zhou R and Cheng L. SCAPE-APA: a package for estimating alternative polyadenylation events from scRNA-seq data [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. Open Res Europe 2024, 4:220 (


A package for estimating alternative polyadenylation events from scRNA-seq data.







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