This is a new version for LCS Calculator that is used to calculate the longest common subsequence of several sequences.
It is re-implemented for a specified algorithm in alg-, such as topmlcs, A, quickdp and so on. There are two directories that are unique. In alg-example, it is a simple example for using And it is for testing functions in alg-test.
In scripts, some scripts are produced for knds of aims.
In common and utils, there are some functions and classes for re-implementing algorithm modules.
In include, there are some header files.
In instances, there are some instances for testing algorithm modules.
You can use the below instructions to compile this project and run it:
$ git clone
$ cd LCSCalculator-2
$ make
$ ./LCSCalculator -A topmlcs
$ cd project-path/scripts
$ ./ add [your algorithm]
$ cd project-path/scripts
$ ./ -l [length] -n [num]
For more details about scripts, you can use the option [h].
For any question, you can contact my email address [email protected]