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Full Stack Open Coursework

This repository houses my coursework for the Full Stack Open course, where I acquired foundational skills in modern JavaScript-based web development, particularly focusing on building single-page applications with React, supported by RESTful web services implemented with Node.js.


Technologies and Libraries Explored

  • React for UI development
  • Redux for state management, utilizing reducers
  • REST APIs for server communication
  • React Query for server state management
  • React Router for routing and navigation
  • Express.js and Node.js for server-side programming
  • Testing with Jest and other testing libraries
  • User authentication and authorization
  • React Bootstrap and Material UI for styling
  • ESLint for code linting
  • for deployment to the internet

Course Content Covered

  • Fundamentals of Web apps
  • Introduction to React
  • Communicating with server
  • Programming a server with NodeJS and Express
  • Testing Express servers, user administration
  • Testing React apps
  • Advanced state management

Cornerstone Project: BlogApp (Part 7)

Part 7 of the course culminates in a comprehensive project called BlogApp, which serves as a cornerstone of my learning journey. The BlogApp integrates the full spectrum of skills and technologies learned throughout the course. It's a full-stack web application featuring a React frontend and an Express/Node.js backend, with a focus on building robust single-page applications (SPA).

BlogApp Overview

  • Frontend: Developed with React, offering dynamic user interfaces for blog management.
  • Backend: Implemented using Node.js and Express, responsible for API endpoints, data handling, and server logic.
  • Database: MongoDB for data persistence, handling blog and user data.
  • Testing:
    • Jest: Used for backend testing, focusing on testing Express server functionality and MongoDB operations.
    • Cypress: Employed for end-to-end testing of the frontend, ensuring the UI works as expected from a user's perspective.
  • Key Features:
    • CRUD operations for blog posts.
    • User authentication and authorization.
    • Responsive and interactive UI components.
    • Integration of frontend and backend for seamless full-stack functionality.

BlogApp Architecture

graph TD
    subgraph Frontend [React Frontend]
        F1[App Component]
        F2[Blog Component]
        F3[User Component]

    subgraph Backend [Node.js/Express Backend]
        B1[Blog Controller]
        B2[User Controller]
        B3[Authentication Controller]
        DB[(MongoDB Database)]

    F1 -->|API Requests| B1
    F2 -->|API Requests| B1
    F3 -->|API Requests| B2
    B1 -->|CRUD Operations| DB
    B2 -->|CRUD Operations| DB
    B3 -->|Auth| DB

    style Frontend fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Backend fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px


My journey through the Full-Stack open course.






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