This role generates ACT topology files based on AVD structured config files.
The default is to look for structured configs in ./intended/structured_configs/ and output the result to ./act/
You have to build an AVD project first and run the eos_designs role to build the structured configs before this role can be used.
Use the same top level group you have for your fabric for hosts, modify the input variables to the role to make the topology you want.
- name: Build ACT Topology
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- name: Generate ACT Topology File
name: act-topgen
# Input/Output directories and AVD structured config file format
structured_folder: "intended/structured_configs/"
avd_structured_config_file_format: yml
output_folder: "act/"
# Versions
act_eos_version: ""
act_generic_os_version: "Rocky-8.5"
act_cvp_version: "2022.2.2"
# Device (veos/generic) user/pass
act_device_user: "cvpadmin"
act_device_password: "arista1234"
# CVP user/pass
act_cvp_user: "root"
act_cvp_password: "cvproot"
act_cvp_instance_type: "singlenode" # Currently the only supported type
act_cvp_ip: < cvp node IP, default -> >
act_ansible_ip: < cvp node IP, default -> >
act_cvp_auto_configuration: < true, false , default -> true>
# Whether to add cvp and ansible node to topology
act_add_cvp: true
act_add_ansible_node: true
# Whether to add nodes that are not defined in the fabric
# Example l3 peers, servers and other endpoints
act_add_connected_nodes: false
# For each peer_type that should be added,
# the ACT node_type needs to be defined
# Any peer_type that is not defined in this list
# will not be added as a node in the topology
other: 'veos'
# server: 'generic'
# network_port: 'generic'
# <peer_type in AVD>: <node_type in ACT>
# Range for assigning OOB IP addresses to connected nodes.
# Use older style ACT topology connections (nodes[].neighbors)
act_use_old_connections: false