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NTUST-RollCall (Frontend)

This is a Next.js project for making roll calls in class at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

Course manager/TA (call it users in the following) can create a class member list to make roll calls when it needs.

It supports users to record attendees by their student ID or their student card RFID code.



The user interface of this project is referenced to Max.


In this project, it utilized axios to communicate to the backend, and next-auth to handle user authentication.

It needs a backend server to provide service.

Visit rollcall-backend to learn more.


yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


This repository provides a docker-compose config to deploy this website if you need Nginx reverse proxy.

Features to do

  • Create/delete/edit/lookup Students at frontend
  • Create/delete/edit/lookup Courses at frontend
  • Delete/edit/lookup Events at frontend
  • Delete/edit/lookup Records at frontend
  • Add event closed time to auto-closed roll call event
  • Add record double check for event check-out