Bản hoàn thiện game SDL2
- In this game, you will fight against monsters by shooting them using your machine gun. Once defeating all the creeps, you will have to face up with the most powerful creature, the mighty final boss which hide something mysterious...! Will you defeat it and discover the mysterious item or be beaten and lose? Try it out!
- Use D button and A button to move your character forward and backward, respectively.
- You can jump as well by pressing W button.
- To shoot bullets, hit the Space bar.
- You can store up your energy. To make a high jump, press J button.
- There are coins in the game, try to collect it in order to have higher point.
- You have limited supply of bullet. At the beginning of the game, you will be given 10 bullets. After using all of them, you can change your 10-shot mag, which costs 3 coins each, by pressing the K button.
- You have 3 lives, don't waste it by getting shot. You can collect lives by eating the heart item.
- Defeat the monsters including the final boss to increase your mark.
- To win the game, you have to take the mysterious item from the final boss.
- BECAREFUL! If you fall down the abysses, you will lose immediately!!!
- Forget how to play? Don't worry, just press T button to reach the game tutorial! *Threats:
- There are static threats, moving threats and one final boss.
- They can shoot as well, so try to dodge their bullet to save your lives.
- Touching the threats can be harmful, take care!
- Use M button to turn off the sound
- Use N button to turn on the sound
- This game was made by using the following matters:
- Code::Blocks 20.03 IDE
- C++ programming language
- SDL.h
- SDL_mixer.h
- SDL_image.h
- SDL_ttf.h
- windows.h
- vector
- string
- iostream
- bits/stdc++.h
- stdlib.h
- stdio.h
- TextEditor
- png, dat, wav files
- ...