Releases: chillerbot/chillerbot-ux
Releases · chillerbot/chillerbot-ux
version 008
Make warlist simpler
version 007
Add !addtraitor chat command and alert on duplicated warlist entry creation
version 006
Some small chillerbot-ux tweaks and updated to latest ddnet version (17.2.1)
version 005
Automatically create warlist folder.
Ensures that the warlist chat commands work without any manual user interaction.
version 004
Improved warlist
version 003
Added features:
- warlist
- terminal client (linux only)
version 002
Added features:
- password manager
- afk chatbot
- spectate tele and switches
- type fonts in editor
- notifications on tile change
version 001
Add nicer sounds for screaming tees in DDrace and render custom images depeding on player names.