This project was completed by a team of front-end and full-stack developers using Agile methodologies and CI/CD approach.
Welcome to the Chuck Norris Joke Project!
This project is a single page HTML and vanilla JavaScript application that displays Chuck Norris jokes. The application features a category button and a search button for users to easily filter the jokes viewed.
The dropdown menu option allows users to filter the jokes by different categories. Simply click into the dropdown menu to view and select the desired categories. The application will display one joke that is within the selected category.
The keyword search button allows users to filter the jokes to include the keyword. Simply type in a keyword or phrase in the search bar and the application will display one joke containing that keyword.
Thank you for trying out the Chuck Norris Joke Project!
Live link:
- Click a nav bar item to navigate directly to a section on the page
- Click a to-top button to navigate directly to the top of the page
- Select a dropdown category to filter jokes by the given categories
- Type a keyword within the search area to filter jokes by the given keyword
- Click the GitHub and Linkedin images to view more information about each contributor
- Features the use of CSS3 pseudo classes, and accessibility compliance
To get started, clone or fork the project and open the index.html file in your web browser. The page will load and present the user with either a keyword search or a dropdown menu to find Chuck Norris jokes.
This project was completed by a team of front-end and full-stack developers using Agile methodologies and CI/CD approach.
The Team | GitHub | |
Lyle Trethewey | ||
Gillian Trethewey | ||
Melissa Hernandez |