Developed by Blue Cheetah Analog Design, Inc. [email protected]
- RHEL6 64-bit OS
- git with internet connection
- Cadence tools:
- Virtuoso
- Pegasus/PVS (for running LVS)
- Quantus/QRC (for running Extraction)
- SRR (for reading spectre data)
- A full list of dependencies and versions is in Appendix A below.
- Clone the AIB Generator repository using a git command. The following commands use an example target directory of ~/aib. This must be done on a computer that has access to the internet.
cd ~/aib
Do a git init if you haven't already
git clone aib-phy-generator
If your Linux machines cannot access the internet, you can use a Windows computer that is connected to the internet. Download "git for windows" ( and use the gitbash shell in that shell. You will need a means to have the Windows machine mount your target directory used by the Linux computer.
- Initialize git submodules. This must be done on a computer that has access to the internet.
cd ~/aib/aib-phy-generator
If you need to switch submodules to use https instead of ssh, run the included script:
Otherwise run the recursive submodule update:
git submodule update --init --recursive
If you ran the git commands in Windows, you can now transfer the aib-phy-generator folder to your linux machine to continue installation.
Download the Cadence Generic Process Design Kit into your target directory. Use the web address shown in Table 1. Cadence requires a login. Navigate to the page "Generic Process Design Kits (GPDK) Downloads.” Select and download the file into your target ~/aib directory.
ADVGPDK (Version 0.5) - Advanced Node 0.8V / 1.8V Finfet / Multi Patterned
8 Metal Generic PDK: cds_ff_mpt_v_0.5 (1.2GB)**
List the file
cd ~/aib
ls cds_ff_mpt_v_0.5.tar.gz
- From the target directory, extract from gzip and tar.
cd ~/aib
gunzip cds_ff_mpt_v_0.5.tar.gz
tar xvf cds_ff_mpt_v_0.5.tar
Acquire the packages in Appendix A and install. Alternatively, you may contact Blue Cheetah Analog Design, Inc. for support at
and request the "bag3d" tar file for aib-phy-generator. Install the Blue Cheetah file
into your target directory, ~/aib in this example.
Unzip the bag3d file:
cd ~/aib
gunzip bag3d0_rhel60_64_may29_2020.tar.gz
Extract the bag3d0 files:
cd ~/aib/aib-phy-generator
tar xvf ../bag3d0_rhel60_64_may29_2020.tar
- Edit
shell script so environment variables point to the correct directory for various CAD tools. Variables to change are:
CDS_INST_DIR: Virtuoso install directory.
PEGASUS_HOME: Pegasus/PVS install directory. If you have an alternate PVS license scheme, comment this line out.
SPECTRE_HOME: Spectre install directory.
QRC_HOME: Quantus/QRC install directory.
OA_CDS_ROOT: OpenAccess directory packaged with Virtuoso. Should be under $CDS_INST_DIR (the version number may be different depending on your Virtuoso install).
If you use a method other than setting "$CDS_LIC_FILE" for acquiring tool licenses, comment out the last line.
- update symbolic link to the PDK using the following commands:
cd ~/aib/aib-phy-generator/cds_ff_mpt/workspace_setup
rm PDK
ln -s ../../../cds_ff_mpt_v_0.5 PDK
- Run the following setup script (source
instead in C-Shell):
cd ~/aib/aib-phy-generator
source .bashrc
- If you use a different command for PVS/Pegasus, change the bag_config.yaml file:
cd aib-phy-generator/cds_ff_mpt/workspace_setup
In the file bag_config.yaml, modify
lvs_cmd: 'pegasus'
lvs_cmd: 'pvs'
- If you performed the "git clone" commands on a Windows, machine, the symbolic link in cds_ff_mpt will not be correct. Perform the following commands from the aib-phy-generator directory:
cd cds_ff_mpt/pvs_setup
rm pvs_rules
ln -s ../workspace_setup/PDK/pvs/pvlLVS.rul pvs_rules
cd ../..
- The specs_dsn directory contains the design scripts that run through sizing procedures and simulations for creating the blocks.
- delay_line (dcc and dll)
- phase_interp (dcc and dll)
- phasedet (dcc and dll)
- dcc_helper
- frontend
There is a slight difference in the frontend because of its hierarchy on top of rxanlg and txanlg. There are separate rxanlg and txanlg design scripts mainly for debugging. The frontend design script expects that rxanlg has already been designed mainly due to the execution time of running through these scripts.
- Perform any necessary commands in terminal so that you can acquire licenses for CAD tools,
then source
in your terminal.
source .bashrc
- Run the design script for designing the DLL Phase Interpolator:
./ BAG_framework/run_scripts/ data/aib_ams/specs_dsn/dll_phase_interp.yaml
You may edit dll_phase_interp.yaml to produce a delay vs. step graph:
plot_result: False
plot_result: True
You may replace "dll_phase_interp.yaml" with the following from data/aib_ams/specs_dsn:
- dcc_delay_line.yaml
- dcc_helper.yaml
- dcc_phase_interp.yaml
- dcc_phasedet.yaml
- dll_delay_line.yaml
- dll_phase_interp.yaml
- dll_phasedet.yaml
- frontend.yaml
- rxanlg.yaml
- txanlg.yaml
The outputs of the design phase are in directories under gen_outputs.
- Run the IP generation script to produce gds, lef, cdl and Verilog models.
./ BAG_framework/run_scripts/ data/aib_ams/specs_ip/dll_phase_interp.yaml -raw -mod -lef
You may replace "dll_phase_interp.yaml" with the following from data/aib_ams/specs_ip:
- dcc_delay_line.yaml
- dcc_helper.yaml
- dcc_phase_det.yaml
- dcc_phase_interp.yaml
- dll_delay_line.yaml
- dll_phase_interp.yaml
- dll_phasedet.yaml
- frontend.yaml
- rxanlg.yaml
- txanlg.yaml
The outputs of the IP generation are in directories under gen_outputs/ip_blocks.
- Run the timing script to produce lib files.
./ bag3_digital/scripts_util/ data/aib_ams/specs_ip/dll_phase_interp_lib.yaml
You may replace "dll_phase_interp_lib.yaml" with the following from data/aib_ams/specs_ip:
- dcc_delay_line_lib.yaml
- dcc_helper_lib.yaml
- dcc_phase_det_lib.yaml
- dcc_phase_interp_lib.yaml
- dll_delay_line_lib.yaml
- dll_phase_interp_lib.yaml
- dll_phasedet_lib.yaml
- frontend_lib.yaml
- rxanlg_lib.yaml
- txanlg_lib.yaml
The output .lib files are in directories under gen_outputs/ip_blocks.
A full block by block overview can be seen here
Python 3.7
Python packages:
- apipkg v.1.5
- appdirs v.1.4.3
- attrs v.19.3.0
- backcall v.0.1.0
- cycler v.0.10.0
- decorator v.4.4.2
- distlib v.0.3.0
- execnet v.1.7.1
- filelock v.3.0.12
- h5py v.2.10.0
- importlib-metadata v.1.6.0
- ipython v.7.13.0
- ipython-genutils v.0.2.0
- jedi v.0.16.0
- Jinja2 v.2.11.1
- kiwisolver v.1.2.0
- MarkupSafe v.1.1.1
- matplotlib v.3.2.1
- more-itertools v.8.2.0
- networkx v.2.4
- numpy v.1.18.2
- packaging v.20.3
- pandocfilters v.1.4.2
- parso v.0.6.2
- pexpect v.4.8.0
- pickleshare v.0.7.5
- pluggy v.0.13.1
- prompt-toolkit v.3.0.5
- ptyprocess v.0.6.0
- py v.1.8.1
- Pygments v.2.6.1
- pyparsing v.2.4.6
- PyQt5 v.5.14.0
- PyQt5-sip v.12.7.1
- pytest v.5.4.1
- pytest-forked v.1.1.3
- pytest-xdist v.1.31.0
- python-dateutil v.2.8.1
- pyzmq v.19.0.0
- ruamel.yaml v.0.16.10
- ruamel.yaml.clib v.0.2.0
- scipy v.1.4.1
- six v.1.14.0
- sortedcontainers v.2.1.0
- traitlets v.4.3.3
- virtualenv v.20.0.15
- wcwidth v.0.1.9
- zipp v.3.1.0
- zmq v.0.0.0