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The docker build repository for the Roboethics competition

Workflow for Participants

To initial start the simulation and programming environment

$ make run
echo "Starting competition container named roboethics_temp_awerner"
Starting competition container named roboethics_temp_awerner
docker run -it --net host --name roboethics_temp_awerner
Roboethics Competition Docker Image
If you close this window, all applications in the docker will be terminated
Competition workspace successfull initialized
Simulation started successfully, access it with your web browser via http://localhost:6080
Notebook server is now accessible at http://localhost:8888/tree?

To stop working, just close the shell/stop the docker container.

To resume work, run

$ make continue
Simulation started successfully, access it with your web browser via http://localhost:6080
Notebook server is now accessible at http://localhost:8888/tree?

To be discussed: Collect & submit results

Inside the docker: Call, this creates the file /root/notebook_export.tar.bz2:

TODO: output

You can use the browser to submit it.

Alternatively, outside of the docker:

$ make pack
Generating notebook_export.tar.bz2

Submit the file notebook_export.tar.bz2 in the current directory

To be tested: Update docker image

In case you need to update your docker image/container to a new version and want to keep your current notebook contents:

  1. Run make pack, creating notebook_export.tar.bz2
  2. Run make pull, updating the docker image
  3. Run make clean, stopping the current container and deleting all modifications inside the container
  4. Run make run, starting the new container
  5. Run make unpack, copying your previous notebooks into the new container


docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/roboethics_temp_..." is already in use by container ....

The competition container is already running, you can remove it with make clean.

I think i am triggering a bug in Gazebo, were is the log file?

It's located in /tmp/ros.log

Can I develop without the docker/software-rendering/jupyter-notebook

Yes. But then you are a bit on your own. And finally things will have to run in this docker. You can use as a starting point for your setup.

Gazebo has crashed, how do I restart it?

killall roslaunch

To restart run

source /competition_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch roboethics_competition_api simulation.launch

How can i start the docker using my native GPU

See ROS Documentation for support on a per-vendor basis.

Below is a quickstart guide for Intel GPUs:

Before running make run, use

DOCKER_OPTIONS="--env DISPLAY --ipc=host --volume=/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw --device /dev/dri:/dev/dri -p 6080:6080 -p 8888:8888"

then to run the simulation instead of

cd /competiton_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch roboethics_competition_api simulation.launch

Information for Organizing Team

Ignore this section if you are a participant.

Evaluation & video recording workflow

For video recording the whole screen needs to be captured. For this a tool like ffmpeg or vokoscreen can be used. It can be started from python. The disadvantage is the non-determinism because the execution time is cpu-load dependant. Using a video camera output of gazebo, and further processing could help.

Docker build workflow

  1. Build docker image as tag latest
$ make
  1. Upload created docker image with the tag latest to github package registry
$ make push
  1. Promote tag latest to tag stable
$ make promote
  1. Upload created docker image with the tag stable to github package registry
$ make push_table

Please see the Makefile for all available options.


Docker registry login:

  1. generate personal access token: github user profile -> developer settings -> personal access token -> activate write:packages -> generate token
  2. login
echo access_token | | docker login -u github_user_name --password-stdin

Edit competition.yaml in a graphical editor

Run this:

leafpad /competition_ws/src/roboethics_competition/roboethics_competition_api/config/competition.yaml


No description, website, or topics provided.






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  • Shell 48.3%
  • Makefile 28.5%
  • Dockerfile 23.2%