- chogyejin.io inspired by leerob.io
- Check out this article for the production details!
git clone https://github.com/chogyejin/chogyejin.io.git
cd chogyejin.io
bun install
bun dev
- Package Manager: Bun 1.0.29
- Framework: Next.js App Router 14.2.3
- Authentication: Auth.js 5.0.0-beta.15
- Styling: Tailwind CSS 3.4.3
- Markdown: next-mdx-remote 4.4.1
- Hosting & Deployment: Vercel(Free plan)
- GitHub shortcut header
- TypeScript strict mode
- Comments system(giscus)
- Table of contents
- MDX components(
) - Front matter(tags for slug)
- Theme switch
- Scroll indicator
- Front matter(updatedAt, series, ...)
- Korean spell check in PR using GitHub Actions
- Feature-Sliced Design structure
- Structured data