go generate
command for creating a client interface, CLI, and serve function for a service interface.
This requires the Protobuf Compiler to be installed.
Install the library and protobuf plugins.
go get github.com/chop-dbhi/nats-rpc/...
Create a protobuf file with a service definition.
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
message Req {
int32 left = 1;
int32 right = 2;
message Rep {
int32 sum = 1;
service Service {
rpc Sum (Req) returns (Rep);
Then run:
protoc \
--go_out=. \
--nats-rpc_out=. \
--nats-rpc-cli_out=cmd/cli \
See the example package for the full example and generated output.
contains the implementation of Service
and cmd/service/main.go
contains the executable code to run.
With a NATS server running on, in one terminal run the server.
go run ./cmd/service/main.go
In the other, try the CLI:
go run ./cmd/cli/main.go Sum '{"left": 5, "right": 10}'
Two parameters are supported for both commands. Parameters are supplied as a set of param-value pairs separated by commas as shown below.
protoc --nats-rpc_out=param1=value1,param2=value2:. service.proto
- A Go template string that enables customizing the generated NATS subject prefix. Supported template parameters include:
- The name of the package defined in the proto file.{{.Service}}
- The name of the service type being generated for.
A subject is produced per method defined on the service and will be appended to this subject prefix in the code. The default subject prefix template is {{.Pkg}}
- The name of the output file.