A statically typed, jit compiled scripting language built for fun (wip).
The main point is to have some fancy functional features to combine and compose functions in interesting ways 🏗️.
Passing functions around:
fn call_other_fn(a: int, f: (int, int : int)) : int {
return f(a, 1 + a);
fn add(a: int, b: int) : int {
return a + b;
let result = call_other_fn(1, add);
__assert(result == 3);
fn add(a: float, b: float) : float {
let result = a + 2;
return result;
let add_two = add(_, 2);
let add_three = add(_, 3);
let add_five = add_three . add_two;
let result = add_five(1) == 6;
WIP: Let-polymorphism, looks dynamically typed but is not:
fn id(x) { return x; }
fn add(a, b) { return a + b; }
let hello = add("hello", " world");
__assert(hello == "hello world");
let sum = (id(id))(add(1, 2));
__assert(sum == 3);
To check what is currently implemented throughout the full stack, check out codegen tests.