Postgres function to generate sortable, prefixed, base58 IDs. E.g. user_5xZiDpFgozVMj
- It's like Stripe prefixed IDs, but the IDs are sortable. Or...
- Like ULID, but with fewer random bits, output as Base58, and with an optional prefix.
Run gen_id.sql
or paste the SQL on the psql command line.
SELECT gen_id();
(1 row)
SELECT gen_id('user');
(1 row)
How the base 58 ID looks like and how you can extract the timestamp (Base58 => Hex-timestamp => Milliseconds => Timestamp)
acc_5xZiDpFgozVMj Base58 (output format of the ID)
5xZiDpFgozVMj Base58 (if no prefix is used)
/ \
0185837f00de 19e63eca Hex (same ID – after any prefix - as Base58 above, but decoded to Hex)
|------------| |--------|
Timestamp Randomness
48bits 32bits
1672948416734 Integer (milliseconds since epoch from hex-timestamp above)
Jan. 5, 2023 19:53:36.734 Timestamp (UTC from milliseconds above)
- 48 bit integer
- UNIX-time in milliseconds
- Won't run out of space 'til the year 10889 AD.
- 32 bits
- => 4.3 Billion IDs per millisecond
pg-id is tested using pgTAP, see gen_id_test.sql
See also that follows the ULID spec, but allows for output in hex, base32 (ULID default), and base58.