WARNING: This repository was abandoned as I moved most/all of my stuff to Docker. Use at your own risk.
A nice Apache, MySQL, PHP, PgSQL-Stack for Vagrant. Pretty good variety of modules and tools that are pre-installed. Backups your databases (mysql) up on shutdown. Has Git, NodeJS, NPM, Gulp installed and configured. Provides an SSL-VirtualHost for Apache using an automated generated self-signed cert.
Misses nothing, it's your fully-featured dev environment ready in a few seconds.
We support libvirt and virtualbox as provider!
# There's a vvguest installed, but make sure it matches your installation
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
# Now load and start the image for PHP5.6 stack
vagrant init chrisandchris/amp && vagrant up
# Use the PHP7 stack
vagrant init chrisandchris/amp7 && vagrant up
See: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/chrisandchris/boxes/amp and https://atlas.hashicorp.com/chrisandchris/boxes/amp7
The boxes consist of:
- Apache 2.4
- Enabled both HTTP and HTTPS
- using a self-signed certificate for ssl connections (generated on boot if not yet done)
- PHP from ppa:ondrej/php5-5.6 with extensions
- CURL, GD, MCRYPT, MySQL, xDebug, mbstring, PDO
- xDebug uses idekey
- extensive error reporting
- or PHP 7 when using the amp7 stack
- xDebug is pre-configured
- Some Alias-Commands:
- phpx for php with xDebug in CLI
- phpunitx for phpunit with xDebug in CLI
- the env variable
contains the ip ofeth0
(when using private network, the host is there on.2
- MySQL 5.5
- in strict mode
- every database gets automatically backuped into .sql/ directory on
vagrant halt
- nice feature for developing wordpress/cms content offline
- could prevent you from data loss
- in strict mode
- PostgreSQL 9.4 with default configuration
- there is a user
having passwordvagrant
having access to a database namedvagrant
- there is a user
- PostgreSQL 9.3 with default configuration
- there is a user
having passwordvagrant
having access to a database namedvagrant
- there is a user
- Git
- NodeJS
- Gulp
Submit an issue or a pull request!