New API!
I have broken the existing API, but hopefully you can see why. You no longer need to manually calculate bounds. HazeState
+ Modifier.haze()
+ Modifier.hazeChild()
is all you need.
val hazeState = remember { HazeState() }
Box {
modifier = Modifier
// Pass it the HazeState we stored above
state = hazeState,
// Need to provide background color of the content
backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surface,
) {
// todo
text = "Content will be blurred behind this",
modifier = Modifier
// We use hazeChild on anything where we want the background
// blurred. We can even provide a shape.
state = hazeState,
shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp),
What's Changed
- Update dependency androidx.compose.ui:ui to v1.6.0-beta01 by @renovate in #34
- Update agp to v8.1.4 by @renovate in #35
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3 to v1.2.0-alpha11 by @renovate in #33
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.8.1 by @renovate in #32
- Update plugin metalava to v0.3.5 by @renovate in #29
- Update to Kotlin 1.9.20 by @chrisbanes in #27
- Update compose.multiplatform to v1.5.11 by @renovate in #38
- Update spotless to v6.23.0 by @renovate in #39
- Update actions/setup-java action to v4 by @renovate in #41
- Update dependency gradle to v8.5 by @renovate in #40
- Update dependency com.diffplug.spotless to v6.23.2 by @renovate in #44
- Update spotless to v6.23.3 by @renovate in #46
- Update agp to v8.2.0 by @renovate in #45
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3 to v1.2.0-alpha12 by @renovate in #42
- Update dependency androidx.compose.ui:ui to v1.6.0-beta02 by @renovate in #43
- Update actions/setup-python action to v5 by @renovate in #50
- Update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.16 by @renovate in #49
- Update actions/deploy-pages action to v3 by @renovate in #48
- Update actions/configure-pages action to v4 by @renovate in #47
- API refactor by @chrisbanes in #36
- Fix position issue by @MohamedRejeb in #52
- Small API tidy-ups by @chrisbanes in #53
- More API tweaks by @chrisbanes in #54
Full Changelog: 0.3.1...0.4.0