What's Changed
- Update coil to v3.0.0-alpha08 by @renovate in #252
- Update dependency androidx.collection:collection to v1.4.1 by @renovate in #253
- Update dependency gradle to v8.9 by @renovate in #254
- Update agp to v8.5.1 by @renovate in #255
- [next] Initial upgrade to Compose Multiplatform 1.7.0-alpha by @chrisbanes in #250
- Update roborazzi to v1.22.1 by @renovate in #258
- Update roborazzi to v1.22.2 by @renovate in #260
- New rendering mode by @chrisbanes in #259
- Update plugin mavenpublish to v0.29.0 by @renovate in #240
- Add some docs for 0.9 by @chrisbanes in #261
- Fix NPE from missing content layer by @chrisbanes in #263
- Throw error when background color is not specified by @chrisbanes in #265
- Add ability to provide mask for blurred areas by @chrisbanes in #267
- Revert usage of Poko by @chrisbanes in #268
- Update roborazzi to v1.23.0 by @renovate in #269
- Turn off auto invalidation by @chrisbanes in #271
- Fix samples crashing by @chrisbanes in #270
- Fix content node being placed at incorrect position by @chrisbanes in #272
- Revert "Update plugin mavenpublish to v0.29.0" by @chrisbanes in #273
- Update plugin mavenpublish to v0.29.0 by @renovate in #274
- Implement better edges by @chrisbanes in #275
- Invalidate the render effect on size changes by @chrisbanes in #278
- Fix clipping for rectangles by @chrisbanes in #279
- Update plugin com.gradle.develocity to v3.17.6 by @renovate in #235
- Update dependency io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-compose to v3.0.0-alpha09 by @renovate in #280
- Update jetpack.compose to v1.7.0-beta06 by @renovate in #283
- Update dependency androidx.collection:collection to v1.4.2 by @renovate in #282
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.9.1 by @renovate in #281
- Update roborazzi to v1.25.0 by @renovate in #285
- Update compose.multiplatform to v1.7.0-alpha02 by @renovate in #284
- Remove shape clipping by @chrisbanes in #287
- Fix clipping size by @chrisbanes in #288
- Update roborazzi to v1.26.0 by @renovate in #289
- Update jetpack.compose to v1.7.0-beta07 by @renovate in #292
- Update dependency androidx.collection:collection to v1.4.3 by @renovate in #291
- Update coil to v3.0.0-alpha10 by @renovate in #294
- Update agp to v8.5.2 by @renovate in #295
- Update dependency gradle to v8.10 by @renovate in #297
- Add workaround for invalidations not happening on Skia backed platforms by @chrisbanes in #296
- Update plugin com.gradle.develocity to v3.18 by @renovate in #300
- Update compose.multiplatform to v1.7.0-alpha03 by @renovate in #301
- Add Brush suppport for tints by @chrisbanes in #298
- Add FluentMaterials by @Sanlorng in #306
- Update agp to v8.6.0 by @renovate in #305
- Update jetpack.compose to v1.7.0-rc01 by @renovate in #303
- Update compose.multiplatform to v1.7.0-beta01 by @renovate in #308
- Add lambda version of HazeChild by @chrisbanes in #309
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.9.2 by @renovate in #310
- Update jetpack.compose to v1.7.0 by @renovate in #311
- Update dependency androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest to v1.7.0 by @renovate in #312
- Add alpha param to hazeChild by @chrisbanes in #313
- Update ktor monorepo to v3.0.0-rc-1 by @renovate in #315
- Update dependency gradle to v8.10.1 - autoclosed by @renovate in #314
- Update plugin com.gradle.develocity to v3.18.1 by @renovate in #317
- Update dependency androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest to v1.7.1 by @renovate in #319
- Update jetpack.compose to v1.7.1 by @renovate in #320
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-swing to v1.9.0 by @renovate in #322
- Update dependency androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest to v1.7.2 by @renovate in #326
- Update agp to v8.6.1 - autoclosed by @renovate in #323
- Update jetpack.compose to v1.7.2 by @renovate in #327
- Update dependency androidx.profileinstaller:profileinstaller to v1.4.0 by @renovate in #328
- Update dependency androidx.collection:collection to v1.4.4 by @renovate in #325
- Update androidx.benchmark to v1.3.1 by @renovate in #324
- Tidy up API for v0.9.0 by @chrisbanes in #330
- Disable invalidation tick by @chrisbanes in #331
- Update compose.multiplatform to v1.7.0-rc01 by @renovate in #332
- Update agp to v8.7.0 by @renovate in #333
- Update roborazzi to v1.27.0 by @renovate in #334
- Update jetpack.compose to v1.7.3 by @renovate in #338
- Update ktor monorepo to v3.0.0-rc-2 by @renovate in #339
- Update dependency androidx.profileinstaller:profileinstaller to v1.4.1 by @renovate in #337
- Update androidx.benchmark to v1.3.2 by @renovate in #335
- Only use a GraphicsLayer on Android on hw-accel canvases by @chrisbanes in #341
- Remove the unused defaultStyle vars by @chrisbanes in #342
- Update dependency androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest to v1.7.3 by @renovate in #336
- Update roborazzi to v1.28.0 by @renovate in #343
- Update coil to v3.0.0-rc01 by @renovate in #345
- Update kotlin monorepo to v2.0.21 by @renovate in #348
- Progressive blur by @chrisbanes in #346
- Update roborazzi to v1.29.0 by @renovate in #354
- More benchmark tests (and perf improvements) by @chrisbanes in #349
- Add ExoPlayer sample by @chrisbanes in #356
- Update agp to v8.7.1 by @renovate in #358
- Update plugin mavenpublish to v0.30.0 - autoclosed by @renovate in #355
- Update ktor monorepo to v3.0.0 by @renovate in #347
- Throw error on descendant layouts by @chrisbanes in #357
- Style improvements for 0.9.x by @chrisbanes in #360
- Update compose.multiplatform to v1.7.0 by @renovate in #359
- Fix defaults for blurRadius and noiseFactor by @chrisbanes in #361
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.9.3 by @renovate in #363
- Update androidx.benchmark to v1.3.3 by @renovate in #362
- Update dependency androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest to v1.7.4 by @renovate in #365
- Update jetpack.compose to v1.7.4 by @renovate in #366
- Small micro optimizations by @chrisbanes in #364
- Add runtime shader for progressive blur by @chrisbanes in #368
- Doc updates for Haze v0.9 by @chrisbanes in #369
- Upgrade to Robolectric 4.14-beta-1 by @chrisbanes in #370
- Start using LayoutAwareModifierNode and onPlaced again by @chrisbanes in #372
- Update agp to v8.7.2 by @renovate in #380
- Update jetpack.compose to v1.7.5 - autoclosed by @renovate in #377
- Update dependency androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest to v1.7.5 by @renovate in #376
- Update dependency androidx.collection:collection to v1.4.5 by @renovate in #375
- Fix crashes caused by blurRadius of 0px by @chrisbanes in #382
- Update coil to v3.0.0-rc02 by @renovate in #373
- Update dependency gradle to v8.10.2 by @renovate in #329
- Remove LayoutAwareModifierNode and onPlaced again by @chrisbanes in #383
- Update roborazzi to v1.30.0 by @renovate in #385
- Add masking sample by @chrisbanes in #386
- Update roborazzi to v1.30.1 by @renovate in #387
- Update coil to v3.0.0 by @renovate in #388
- Changing to 1.0.0 by @chrisbanes in #390
- Update roborazzi to v1.31.0 by @renovate in #389
- Update roborazzi to v1.32.0 by @renovate in #391
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.7.3...1.0.0