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4. Software Installation

Chris edited this page Jun 16, 2024 · 26 revisions

-> In case I missed a library/tool or didn't name you as the owner let me know so I can fix it.

  • Chose the constructor for your display resolution in RocMQTTdisplay.ino ~line 82. Default is 128x32 pixel. Optional 128x64, 64x48, 96x16. Only one constructor can be used per controller.

  • Compile and Upload the RocMQTTdisplay.ino sketch to the controller.

  • Preconfigure 'rmdsec.txt' in the data folder with your WIFI SSID and WIFI Password before uploading it to the controller. I did not include a captive portal for Wifi settings as it's not comfortable to run this procedure for many controllers. Also the Wemos D1 mini has just an emulated EEPROM where the secrets are typically stored. So using the file upload to the file system is nearly the same.

  • Important: Upload all files from the data folder with the Arduino IDE with these tools:

  • ESP8266 'Tools / ESP8266 LittleFS Data Upload'
    If this option is not available in your IDE install the plugin from here: Arduino ESP8266 LittleFS Filesystem Uploader
    Do NOT use ‘Tools/ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload’, it will not work. It was for the SPIFFS file system which is deprecated for ESP8266.
  • ESP32 'Tools / ESP32 Sketch Data Upload'
    If this option is not available in your IDE install the plugin from here: Arduino ESP32 filesystem uploader
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