WeListen is built using React library and Flask. It's a senior design project made by Meihui Jin, Yanjun Meng, Chris Xu, Kewei Zhang.
- Node.js: version @16.x.x
- Use
node -v
to check version
- Use
- npm: version @8.x.x.
- Use
npm -v
to check version
- Use
- python: version @3.7.x/@3.8.x.
- Use
python3 -V
to check version.
- Use
- Homebrew
- Download from https://brew.sh/
- Git
- Git CLI, gh installed:
brew install gh
- Git set up with your github account:
gh auth login
- A forked repo at your remote and cloned into your local machine
- Visual Studio Code
Change dictionary to
Install required packages for frontend debugging.
Necessary configuration file for AWS authentication.
Environment variable that saves React keys.
Run under
It start a local server only with React components. Seefront-end/README.md
for more details.
Under project dictionary:
Change dictionary to
Create your virtual environment called
It's expected to run when setting up the python virtual environment for the first time.
Activate the virtual environment.
Once activated, you will see(venv)
at the very front each line within the terminal
Install PostgreSQL database for later flask package install.
Run the command under
Install packages stated in the requirement.txt into virtual environment.
Run every time after the .txt is modified by other developer.
Necessary configuration file for Youtube and database.
Fix Youtube remove dislike visibility
Start a development server.
3. Git: First Time Setup: Configure Git Upstream
Add root repo as a upstream.
Run the command under
Save current packages information to requirement.txt.
Run for every inclusion of new packages.
Run before commit to github.
Run the command under
Exit the virtual environment.
Create your virtual environment called
It's expected to run when setting up the python virtual environment for the first time.
Activate the virtual environment.
Once activated, you will see(venv)
at the very front each line within the terminal
Run the command under
Install packages stated in the requirement.txt into virtual environment.
Run every time after the .txt changed.
folder, in the terminal, type in sequence:
Builds the app for production to the
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
Deletes the previous version in Flask folder(
Moves the built files from React folder(
) to the Flask folder(/static