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Security: chrystaljudalet/dogecoin


Security Policy

Supported versions

Currently, version 1.14.7 is supported on this repository.

Reporting a Vulnerability

To report security issues, please send pgp encrypted email to the following developers:

Name E-mail PGP key fingerprint
Chromatic [email protected] E343 7979 A840 E43F 7BB5 A579 2C48 E041 36C2 B580
Michi Lumin [email protected] 6DB4 66B1 7BD2 60F4 4950 F6AF 520B 53AE 29E9 8861
Patrick Lodder [email protected] E324 9D4E E7F3 7C7F 8B30 676F 603E F476 B796 1EA7

Keys can be imported by running the following command:

gpg --recv-keys "<fingerprint>"

There aren’t any published security advisories