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WebSocket to virtual network proxy server for Linux.


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wsnic is a WebSocket to virtual network proxy server for Linux.

  • passes IEEE 802.3 ethernet frames between a Linux network and an open number of WebSocket clients
  • creates a single bridge and one TAP device per WebSocket client
  • supports attaching the bridge to a physical network device using Network Address Translation (NAT) to grant Internet-access to WebSocket guests
  • uses the sans-io WebSocket server protocol implementation from websockets
  • supports WebSockets Secure (wss://) connections by offloading to stunnel
  • uses dnsmasq to provide DHCP and DNS services to WebSocket guests
  • uses a single-threaded epoll-loop for all sockets and network devices
  • sends periodic PINGs to idle WebSocket clients

Building and using the Docker image

Building the wsnic Docker container

Follow the official Docker installation instructions to install the latest Docker release.

Build the wsnic Docker container with tag wsnic:local using:

sudo docker buildx build -t wsnic:local -f docker/Dockerfile .

Using the wsnic Docker image

There are several environment variables, TCP port numbers and files that can be specified on the docker run command line for customization.

Docker environment variable Description
WSNIC_SUBNET The subnet that wsnic will use, see option subnet for details.
WSNIC_ENABLE_HOSTNET If set to 1, grant WebSocket guests access to the host's network (and Internet, if available). Default: 0.
WSNIC_ENABLE_DHCP If set to 0, disable DHCP server dnsmasq for WebSocket guests. Default: 1.
WSNIC_DHCP_LEASE_TIME DHCP lease time, see option dhcp_lease_time for details.
WSNIC_DHCP_DOMAIN_NAME Domain Name of this subnet, see option dhcp_domain_name for details.
WSNIC_DHCP_NAMESERVER List of DNS IP addresses, see option dhcp_nameserver for details.

Internally, the wsnic Docker image listens on TCP port numbers 80 (ws://) and 443 (wss://), these can be overriden simply with the -p command line argument.

An optional TLS server certificate file (and its optional key file) must be volume mounted into the image, at startup wsnic looks for them at these fixed file paths in the Docker file system:

  • /opt/wsnic/cert/cert.crt
  • /opt/wsnic/cert/cert.key

TLS support in wsnic is only enabled if a valid TLS certificate has been found.

A full example to illustrate these options:

sudo docker run --rm --interactive --tty \
    -v /var/local/crt/cert.crt:/opt/wsnic/cert/cert.crt \
    -v /var/local/crt/cert.key:/opt/wsnic/cert/cert.key \
    -p 8086:80 \
    -p 8087:443 \
    --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
    --device /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun \
    --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 \


  • --rm
    remove Docker image when closing
  • --interactive
    keep STDIN open
  • --tty
    allocate a pseudo-TTY
    set environment variable WSNIC_ENABLE_HOSTNET to 1
  • -v /var/local/crt/cert.crt:/opt/wsnic/cert/cert.crt
    mount file /var/local/crt/cert.crt from host file system into Docker image at /opt/wsnic/cert/cert.crt
  • -p 8086:80
    map internal Docker TCP port 80 to host's TCP port 8086
  • --cap-add=NET_ADMIN
    allow Docker application to modify internal Docker network, needed to add/remove network bridge and TAP devices
  • --device /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun
    map host's TUN device file into Docker image, this device is needed to create TAP devices and otherwise not available in Docker images
  • --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
    allow IP forwarding in the Docker image

Installing and using wsnic from sources

To use wsnic without Docker you can execute wsnic directly from its source code.

Installing wsnic from sources

Instructions below are tested with Debian 12 (Bookworm) netinst (without Desktop).

Step 1/2: Install required Linux tools

First, make sure that the packages required by wsnic are installed, for Debian:

sudo apt install python3-venv iproute2 iptables dnsmasq stunnel

Stop and disable the systemd dnsmasq service with (if you want to run it, make sure that it does not bind to newly created network devices):

sudo systemctl stop dnsmasq
sudo systemctl disable dnsmasq

stunnel is only required for wss:// support and otherwise not needed.

Step 2/2: Clone and initialize repository

Clone a working copy of this repository. Then, install websockets into the working copy using pip:

git clone

cd wsnic
python3 -m venv venv
venv/bin/pip3 install websockets
cd ..

Set up your wsnic.conf as described in the next section.

Configuring wsnic with wsnic.conf

Copy wsnic.conf.template to wsnic.conf and edit as needed. Options available in wsnic.conf:

Option Description
ws_server_addr WebSocket server address, use if wsnic runs on the same machine as the WebSocket client (browser), or to make wsnic available in the network. Default:
ws_server_port WebSocket server port (ws://). Default: 8086.
wss_server_port WebSocket Secure server port (wss://). Default: 8087.
wss_server_cert Absolute path of a PEM formatted file containing either just the public server certificate or an entire certificate chain including public key, private key, and root certificates. Optional, default: undefined.
wss_server_key Absolute path of a PEM formatted file containing the private-key of the server certificate only. Optional, default: undefined.
inet_iface Interface name of a physical network device that provides access to the Internet (for example eth0 or enp0s3). If defined, wsnic installs temporary NAT rules for the bridge and this device. Optional, default: undefined.
subnet The subnet in CIDR notation that wsnic will use:
- The subnet's first and last IP addresses are reserved for network and broadcast addresses.
- The subnet's second IP is reserved for the bridge device (also gateway and DHCP server IP).
- The remaining IP addresses are used for the DHCP address pool.
Example for the default subnet:
- Network address:
- Broadcast address:
- Bridge/gateway/DHCPD address:
- DHCP address pool:,, ...,
The default subnet might conflict with your local network configuration and must then be changed accordingly.
dhcp_service DHCP service provider, either dnsmasq or disabled. Default: dnsmasq.
dhcp_lease_file DHCP lease database file path. If undefined, wsnic uses a temporary file which will be deleted on close. Optional, default: undefined.
dhcp_lease_time DHCP lease time in seconds. Default: 86400 (24 hours).
dhcp_domain_name Domain Name of this subnet published in DHCP replies. Optional, default: undefined.
dhcp_nameserver Comma-separated list of Domain Name Server (DNS) IP address(es) published in DHCP replies, for example, If undefined, the bridge's IP address is used as the DNS address (which gets handled by dnsmasq).
Optional (0 or any number of DNS IP addresses), default: undefined.

Using wsnic from sources

Run wsnic using:

sudo ./

Command line options:

$ ./ -h
usage: wsnic [-h] [-n NETBE] [-c CONF_FILE] [-v] [-q] [--use-syslog] [--docker-mode]

WebSocket to virtual network device proxy server.

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -n NETBE       use network backend NETBE (currently only default "brtap" supported)
  -c CONF_FILE   use configuration file CONF_FILE (default: wsnic.conf)
  -v             output verbose log messages
  -q             output warning and error log messages only
  --use-syslog   send log messages to syslog
  --docker-mode  use Docker configuration method

WebSockets Secure support

WebSockets Secure (wss://) support is optional and only enabled if a TLS server certificate is defined in wsnic.conf, which means you need:

  1. a DNS record for the hostname of your wsnic server
  2. a TLS server certificate issued for that DNS hostname

If your wsnic server has a public DNS record for its hostname you should use a service like Let’s Encrypt to get a TLS certificate for it, otherwise you can create your own self-signed certificate as described in the next section.

To enable a TLS certificate declare it in wsnic.conf using:


WebSocket Secure URLs are of the form wss://

Self-signed TLS server certificate

The following instructions use as the DNS hostname and /var/local/crt as the directory where TLS certificate files are stored, you need to replace both consistently according to your setup and network environment.

The DNS hostname doesn't need to be fully qualified in private networks, it might also be just localhost if wsnic (WebSocket server) and browser (WebSocket client) are running on the same machine.

Setting up a self-signed certificate involves two steps, after generating it you also have to configure your browser to accept it.

Step 1/2: Generate a self-signed certificate

To issue a basic self-signed TLS server certificate for DNS hostname

mkdir /var/local/crt
cd /var/local/crt

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 \
  -nodes -keyout cert.key -out cert.crt -subj "/"

You can also issue the certificate for additional DNS names and/or IP addresses, here an example that adds DNS hostname and IP address

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 \
  -nodes -keyout cert.key -out cert.crt -subj "/" \
  -addext ",IP:"

You can add multiple alternate DNS names and IP addresses, use comma , to separate them.

Step 2/2: Setup browser to accept the self-signed certificate

By default, modern browsers refuse to connect to HTTPS and WebSocket servers with self-signed TLS certificates. In order to get around that you have to grant permission in your browser. Start wsnic and point your browser at your wsnic server using a HTTPS URL like:

You will get a security warning that you need to acknowledge once to grant permission permanently. After that you should see a reply page from wsnic's WebSocket server that reads:

Failed to open a WebSocket connection: invalid Connection header: keep-alive.

You cannot access a WebSocket server directly with a browser. You need a WebSocket client.

This seeming error message is in fact our expected success message here, if you see it then things are working as they should and you can close the browser tab.

How it works

Overview of wsnic and its network components:

 +-----+     +-----+         +-----+
 | ws0 |     | ws1 |   ...   | wsN |    (WebSocket clients)
 +--+--+     +--+--+         +--+--+
    |           |               |
|   :           :               :    |  (wsnic WebSocket server)
    |           |               |
+---+----+  +---+----+      +---+----+
| wstap0 |  | wstap1 |      | wstapN |  (TAP devices)
+---+----+  +---+----+      +---+----+
    |           |               |
|               wsbr0                |  (virtual bridge)
                  |             |
          NAT (MASQUERADE)      |
                  |         [dnsmasq]   (DHCP server)
               | eth0 |                 (physical network)

Roughly, wsnic works like this:

  • On startup, wsnic:
    • creates virtual bridge wsbr0 and assigns it the subnet's first IP address,
    • optionally attaches wsbr0 to the physical network adapter eth0 using NAT,
    • optionally starts DHCP server dnsmasq and binds it to the IP address of wsbr0, and
    • starts operating as the WebSocket server, listening for WebSocket client connections
  • After completing the handshake of a newly accepted WebSocket client connection wsX, wsnic:
    • creates a TAP device wstapX,
    • connects wstapX to wsbr0, and
    • begins passing ethernet frames between wsX and wstapX
  • If a WebSocket client disconnects, wsnic removes the associated TAP device from the bridge (and network)
  • DHCP server dnsmasq assigns DHCP leases to WebSocket clients, it is also the default DNS server