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F# target for Rustlr parser generator


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Fussless: Rustlr Target for F#

"Fussless" is a parser generation system for F# written in Rust as part of the Rustlr parser generator. This package contains the .Net end of the project including the runtime parser and routines to interpret the parsing tables generated by Rustlr. Rustlr was originally designed to generate parsers for Rust and its main capabilities are now available for F# targets including the auto option to automatically generate the abstract syntax types and semantic actions. The system also recognizes the operators +, *, ?, as well as the <_*> and <_+> opertions and creates vectors (ResizeArray) for them.
However, some of the experimental features such as the "-lrsd" option and the _ wildcard are not currently available.

The lexical analysis aspect of the system is written in C#, although other tokenizers can be used by conforming to the AbstractLexer interface. Fussless can automatically generate a lexical analyzer in the form of a .lex file from the grammar. The .lex file can be compiled by CsLex, which is available at

The contents of this repository are as follows:

  • RuntimeParser.fs : This is the main implementation of the F# side of Rustlr/Fussless. Currently, there are limitations to the runtime parser as there is no error-recovery capability.

  • absLexer.cs : contains basic interface and utility classes to be used by the automatically generated lexical scanners. RuntimeParser and absLexer define the Fussless namespace.

  • test1.grammar, calce.grammar, test1main.fs, calcemain.fs: these are sample grammars and "main" files that test the parsers and tokenizers generated for them.

  • fs7c.grammar : larger grammar for a simplified programming language that demonstrates the most advanced features of the system.

  • Makefile : written for a Mono command-line environment

Building Fussless

The system was contructed and tested on Mono and therefore should be portable to any platform or development setting.

To build the basic Fussless system, do the following once:

  1. git clone (or otherwise download the files from github). The repository contains pre-built dlls, but they may need to be recompiled if your version of .Net or F# is slightly different:
  2. compile absLexer.cs: mcs absLexer.cs /t:library
  3. compile RuntimeParser.fs: fsharpc RuntimeParser.fs -a -r absLexer.dll

This will create absLexer.dll and RuntimeParser.dll that are need by all parsers. Unless you create your parsing applications within the Fussless directory you should export MONO_PATH = where/ever/you/put/Fussless/ for mono to find these assemblies.

  1. The repository contains the CsLex executable (lex.exe) along with its MIT license. However, if this does not work, download and build CsLex (generate the lex.exe program). Note: to build CsLex on newer Windows systems, you must manually create the directory lex/bin (or lex\bin) before running nmake in lex/src/. The lex.exe file will be created in the bin directory by nmake.

  2. Install Rust (if you don't have it) from, then install rustlr with cargo install rustlr. Rustlr is found at, which also contains links to a tutorial and its reference documentation.

Constructing and testing a parser.

The easiest way to construct a parser is to write a grammar then run gnu make on the Makefile included in Fussless. It was written with mono defaults and should be modified for other platforms. If you move the makefile outside of the Fussless directory then you should change the FUSSLESS variable in the makefile accordingly.

To build a parser from a grammar such as test1.grammar, run

 make GRAMMAR=test1

The GRAMMAR must be specified in the command. This will run rustlr on the grammar and build test1parser.dll and test1_lex.dll. If there are additional sources or libraries that are required to create the parser (e.g., the AST definition) run make with a definition for 'ADDITIONAL', for example:

 make GRAMMAR=test2 ADDITIONAL=/r:test2_ast.dll

Optionally, if you've written a main program for your grammar, one that invokes the parser, then you can invoke make with

 make GRAMMAR=test1 MAIN=test1main

This assumes that there's a file 'test1main.fs' and will build test1main.exe.

AUTOAST option

To build a parser from a grammar that automatically generates abstract syntax types and semantic actions, run

 make GRAMMAR=fs7c AUTOAST=true

where fs7c.grammar defines a simplified programming language. The generated AST types will be in fs7c_ast.fs

Although the makefile will call rustlr on the grammar, we recommend rustlr be called separately so that it's clear if there's anything wrong with the grammar.

Manaul Build Steps.

To facilitate the adaptation of Fussless on other developmen platforms, we detail the steps that the makefile takes.

To build and test a specific example, do the following:

  1. Run rustlr test1.grammar -fsharp (with optionally a -o directory/) at a shell prompt. This will create a file 'test1parser.fs' and a file 'test1.lex'

  2. compile the generated parser: fsharpc test1parser.fs -r RuntimeParser.dll

  3. Build the generated lexer:

    • lex.exe test1.lex (where lex.exe is the CsLex executable)
    • mcs test1_lex.cs /t:library /r:absLexer.dll
  4. Build and run the test program:

    • fsharpc test1main.fs -r test1parser.dll -r test1_lex.dll
    • (mono) test1main.exe (enter 3+2*5 or similar expression at the prompt)

A tutorial on how to write grammars for Fussless is available.


F# target for Rustlr parser generator



MIT, MIT licenses found

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