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This is a solution to the E-commerce product page challenge on Frontend Mentor to help improve my coding skills.



Base desktop view Lightbox gallery Desktop view Cart dropdown Base mobile view


My Process

Built with

This challenge was built with:

  • CSS custom properties
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • Tailwind CSS - For styling
  • React - JS Library

What I learnt

During this challenge, I used a function to generate random id for a static relative data and used the id in routing. This became a problem when i tried to access the data in the array using the route's id params after refreshing. It helped me finally understand the concept of getting a different instance of a function everytime React rerenders.

I also learnt how to create Higher Order Components with extra functionalities to toggle a sidebar and cart. Below is the code snippet.

  class NavAndCartToggler extends Component {
  	constructor(props) {

  		this.state = {
  			showCart: false,
  			showSidebar: false

  	toggleCart = () => {
  		this.setState((prevState) => {
  			return {
  				showCart: !prevState.showCart,
  				showSidebar: false

  	openSidebar = () => {
  		this.setState(() => {
  			return {
  				showCart: false,
  				showSidebar: true

  	closeSidebar = () => {
  		this.setState((prevState) => {
  			return {
  				showSidebar: false

  	render() {
  		const C = this.props.component;
  		const {
  			state: { showCart, showSidebar }
  		} = this;

  		return (
  				<NavBar show={showCart} toggleCart={toggleCart} openSidebar={openSidebar} />
  				<Sidebar show={showSidebar} close={closeSidebar} />
  				<C {...this.props} />

  export function withTogglerLayout(component) {
  	return function render(props) {
  		return <NavAndCartToggler component={component} {...props} />;

I also tried out how the React Router v6.4 features works, especially with making fetch request on routing using the params key.

Continued Development

I wish to continue working on making the app more performant.

Useful Resources
