A flutter boiler plate code for initial project setup
- A folder structure and some widgets
- Theme switch (dark and light mode)
- Pages
- Login page
- Home page
- Some page templates
- easy_localization for localization
- Provider for State management and context based DI
- Dio for http client
- Hive database for structural local storage and
- flutter_secure_storage
- shared_preferences for key value local storage
- get_it for service locator and DI
- Some others useful packages
create your own project with Android Studio or flutter create command
copy these files and folder into your new project
- assets
- lib
- test
- pubspec.yaml
- analysis_options.yaml (optional)
- README.md (optional)
- if you are using flavor
change bundle id and app name in pubspec.yaml
run flutter pub run flutter_flavorizr -p assets:download,assets:extract,ios:xcconfig,ios:buildTargets,ios:schema,ios:plist,assets:clean,ide:config,android:buildGradle,android:androidManifest to generate flavor config for ios and android if you're using flavor.
copy these files for a different launcher icon base on flavor
- flutter_launcher_icons-prod.yaml
- flutter_launcher_icons-dev.yaml
- flutter_launcher_icons-staging.yaml
copy .github folder if you're using github action
delete all firebase dependency in pubspec.yaml if you're not using firebase
run flutter pub get
In [project]/android/app/build.gradle set minSdkVersion to >= 18 to use flutter_secure_storage
You can copy any platform configuration setup (example: build.gradle, androidManifest) from this project into your new project
- replace your icon file in assets/image/app-icon.png
- run: flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main
- if there is an error, change minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion in android app gradle to integer instead
- note: this command will run all flutter_launcher_icon with flavor if you have any
- App Icon isn't dynamic by flavor in ios. you need to replace a String ""$(ASSET_PREFIX)AppIcon";" to ""$(ASSET_PREFIX)AppIcon"-$(ASSET_PREFIX);" in ios/project.pbxproj
- run flutter packages pub run build_runner build to generate Hive TypeAdapter model
flutter drive --driver=test_driver/integration_test.dart --target=integration_test/app_test.dart --flavor dev
- Controllers to manage app state
- constant
- http configuration
- app style (color, theme, textstyle, decoration, size)
- utilities and helper class
- response: your mapping response model from api
- request: your own model class to request api
- db: model for hive or any database's model
- others: custom object model
- Each page has their own folder
- Each folder has a .dart file and a widgets folder that contains a widget that only use specifally in this page
- class that use to fetch data from Data source
- mostly static class for some specific feature
- example:
- notifications service
- database or storage service
- auth service .....
- example:
- global reusable widget and divide to into folder of category such as Dialog, Card, Button, Layout.....etc
this is where you keep your font
this is where you keep your image asset
this is where you keep your localization file
run this file with dart generator.dart to generate AppAssets class to access your images path, Example usage: Image.asset(AppAssets.icon)