A rust based program for enumerating processes on a Windows Machine using Windows API.
[+] The code enumerates running processes on a Windows-based machine, opens a process handle and retrieves the module base name for the given process.
[+] Main functionality
- Get a list of all running PIDs in the format :
Process struct for encapsulating PID + handle
open(pid : u32) - Opens a process HANDLE , with ids PID
pid() -> returns the PID of the process
module_base_name() -> retrieves the name of the first module loaded by a process
[+] Constants and Imoports
MAX_PROC_NAME_LEN MAX_PIDS (to be enumerated)
[+] Function Documentation
- enumerate_processes() -> Enumerates all running processes, and returns a vector of PIDs or an I/O error.
[+] Struct and Methods
Process struct with 2 fields: Pid(Process ID) , handle -> pointer to process handle
open(pid : u32) -> Opens a process HANDLE with specific access rights. Returns a process instance or an error.
pid() -> Simple getter for the process ID.
module_base_name() -> Retrieves the name of the first loaded module. Uses EnumProcessModules , GetModuleBaseNameA
enumerate_modules() -> Retrieves all module handles for the process.
[+] Main function
- calls enumerate_process() to obtain the list of PIDs
- FOR EACH PID, opens it with Process::open
- Retrieves the module base name using module_vase_name
- Outputs