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🐛 Bug Fix
🐛 Bug Fix
Updating something that isn't working
📘 Canvas
📘 Canvas
This is a task from a CANVAS Assignment.
📑 Documentation
📑 Documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🧬 Duplicate
🧬 Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
⚡️ Easy (2)
⚡️ Easy (2)
2 Story Points
🔧 Enhancement
🔧 Enhancement
Enhances a feature!
🔖 Feature
🔖 Feature
New feature or request
🚩 Hard (5)
🚩 Hard (5)
5 Story Points
⚠️ Medium (3)
⚠️ Medium (3)
3 Story Points
🪜 Subtask
🪜 Subtask
Task for a task.
🌀 Surprise (0)
🌀 Surprise (0)
An unexpected task, subtask, or feature.
🌱 Very Easy (1)
🌱 Very Easy (1)
1 Story Point
🔥 Very Hard (8)
🔥 Very Hard (8)
8 Story Points