A tool to generate a side by side synchronized map viewer using a folder level arcgis endpoint
Takes less than 5 minutes to implement if your city or organization has an endpoint that contains a variety of imagery layers. Here is the endpoint we use, https://maps.hayward-ca.gov/arcgis/rest/services/Ext_Basemaps.
There is one config.js file where all settings reside.
// url to services
base_URL: "https://maps.hayward-ca.gov/arcgis/rest/services/Ext_Basemaps",
// initial map on left hand map frame
defaultLeft: "AerialPhotoHybrid_2017",
// initial map on right hand map frame
defaultRight: "AerialPhoto_1968_12inch",
// rename map services names to user friendly names (if needed)
rename: [
["Aerial_Imagery_1954", "1954 Aerial"],
["AerialPhoto_1968_12inch", "1968 Aerial"],
["AerialPhoto_1985_21inch", "1985 Aerial"]
// services to exclude from Historoscope
exclude: [
// set initial map coordinates [lat, lon]
mapCoords: [37.67, -122.09]
- Fork this repo
- Edit config.js
- Edit the base url: copy your service folder URL to base_URL variable (set up to consumer MapServer services currently)
- Set the starting layer for the left and right viewers: replaced variables defaultLeft and defaultRight with one of the services names. Example: from Ext_Basemaps/Aerial_Imagery_1954 (MapServer), use Aerial_Imagery_1954, so it looks like defaultLeft: Aerial_Imagery_1954.
- Rename services as needed: If your service names are not particularly user-friendly, rename theme
- Exclude services as needed: Imagery layers that aren't needed can be removed by listing their names in exclude
- Set the initial map coordinates using [lat, lon] format
- Publish on github pages or wherever else you like